Appearance Tab


The following settings are available for use on a field’s Appearance tab. The gform_field_appearance_settings hook can also be used to add custom settings at the positions indicated below.

Settings can be enabled for a field which extends the GF_Field class by overriding the get_form_editor_field_settings() method.


  • Position: 0

  • placeholder_setting
    The Placeholder setting allows you to define the value of the placeholder attribute for the field input.

  • Position: 20

  • placeholder_textarea_setting
    The Placeholder setting allows you to define the value of the placeholder attribute for the field textarea.

  • Position: 50

  • input_placeholders_setting
    The Placeholders setting allows you to define the values of the placeholder attributes for the field inputs.

  • Position: 100

  • label_placement_setting
    This displays a Field Label Visibility setting (when enabled by the gform_enable_field_label_visibility_settings filter) allowing the field label to be hidden and a Description Placement setting allowing the field description location to be overridden.

  • Position: 150

  • sub_label_placement_setting
    The Sub-Label Placement setting allows the sub label position to be overridden or hidden (when enabled by the gform_enable_field_label_visibility_settings filter).

  • Position: 200

  • error_message_setting
    Includes a Custom Validation Message setting enabling the field validation message to be overridden. Note: this does not override the message returned when the field fails no duplicates validation.

  • Position: 250

  • css_class_setting
    The Custom CSS Class setting allows custom css class names to be added to the field container (the li element which contains the field).

  • Position: 300

  • enable_enhanced_ui_setting
    Includes a Enable enhanced user interface setting allowing the select element used by the Drop Down and Multi Select fields to be enhanced by the chosen.js script.

  • Position: 400

  • size_setting
    The Field Size setting provides a drop down allowing the field size to be set to small, medium, or large.

Source Code

The above settings are located in GFFormDetail::forms_page() in form_detail.php.