Data Objects
Button Object
The Button Object is an an associative array. Part of the Form Object it controls the way a form button is displayed.
Conditional Logic Object
Conditional Logic, when applied to the form or page button or to any field, controls the visibility of that element based on a choice selected or value entered by the user in other fields on the form. It can also be used to determine if a notification, confirmation or add-on feed should be used.
Confirmations Object
The Confirmations object is an associative array containing the properties for all the confirmations which exist for a form. When a new form is created a single confirmation, named Default Confirmation, is created. There is no limit to the number of additional confirmations you can create but they must have conditional logic configured.
Entry Object
The Entry object contains all properties of a particular entry (i.e. date created, client IP, submitted field values, etc…). It is formatted as an associative array with field Ids being the key to that field’s data.
Field Object
The Field object contains all settings for a particular field. It is part of the Form object and is available in most Gravity Forms hooks. It can be manipulated to dynamically change the way the field is displayed.
Form Object
The form object, available to most action hooks and filters, is an associative array containing the form settings, fields, notifications, confirmations, and other properties (e.g. add-on settings).
Notifications Object
The Notifications object is an associative array containing the properties for all the email notifications which exist for a form.