Field Object


The Field object contains all settings for a particular field. It is part of the Form Object and is available in most Gravity Forms hooks. It can be manipulated to dynamically change the way the field is displayed.


// returns the label of the first field on the form
// displays the types of every field in the form
foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
   echo $field->type . '<br/>';


Basic Properties

adminLabelstringWhen specified, the value of this property will be used on the admin pages instead of the label. It is useful for fields with long labels.
Applies to: All fields
adminOnlyboolDetermines if this field should only visible on the administration pages. A value of 1 will mark the field as admin only and will hide it from the public form. Useful for fields such as “status” that help with managing entries, but don’t apply to users filling out the form. Applies to: All fields
allowsPrepopulateboolDetermines if the field’s value can be pre-populated dynamically. 1 to allow field to be pre-populated, 0 otherwise. Applies to: All fields
choicesarrayContains the available choices for the field. For instance, drop down items and checkbox items are configured with this property. Applies to: select, checkbox, radio, post_category. See Note 1.
Conditional LogicarrayControls the visibility of the field based on values selected by the user.
contentstringContent of an HTML block field to be displayed on the form
Applies to: html
cssClassstringCustom CSS class to be added to the <li> tag that contains the field. Useful to apply custom formatting to specific fields.
Applies to: All fields
defaultValuestringContains the default value for the field. When specified, the field’s value will be populated with the contents of this property when the form is displayed.
Applies to: hidden, text, website, phone, number, date, textarea, email, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_custom_field
descriptionstringField description.
Applies to: All fields
enableChoiceValueboolDetermines if the field (checkbox, select or radio) have choice values enabled, which allows the field to have choice values different from the labels that are displayed to the user
Applies to: checkbox, select and radio
errorMessagestringContains the message that is displayed for fields that fail validation
Applies to: All fields except html, section and hidden
idintegerField id
inputNamestringAssigns a name to this field so that it can be populated dynamically via this input name. Only applicable when allowsPrepopulate is set to 1.
Applies to: All fields except section and captcha
isRequired boolDetermines if the field requires the user to enter a value. 1 marks the field as required, 0 marks the field as not required. Fields marked as required will prevent the form from being submitted if the user has not entered a value in it.
Applies to: All fields except section, html and captcha
stringField label that will be displayed on the form and on the admin pages
Applies to: All fields
noDuplicates boolDetermines if the field allows duplicate submissions. 1 to prevent users from submitting the same value more than once, 0 to allow duplicate values.
Applies to: hidden, text, website, phone, number, date, time, textarea, select, radio, email, post_custom_field
size stringDetermines the size of the field when displayed on the page Applies to: All fields except html, section and captcha
Possible values: small, medium, large
type stringThe type of field to be displayed
Applies to: All fields
Possible values: html, hidden, section, text, website, phone, number, date, time, textarea, select, checkbox, radio, name, address, fileupload, email, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_category, post_image, post_custom_field, captcha
placeholder stringUse the Placeholder to give a hint at the expected value or format.
Applies to: All fields except section, HTML, captcha, hidden, radio buttons, checkbox, multiple choice, image choice, page
choiceAlignment stringThe alignment for choices
Applies to: multiple choice field
Possible values: horizontal, vertical

Note 1

$choices = $field->choices;
$choices[0]['text'] = 'Drop down item 1';
$field->choices = $choices;
  • Each choice in the array has the following Properties:
    • text string The text to be displayed to the user when displaying this choice.
    • value string The value to be stored in the database when this choice is selected. Note: This property is only supported by the Drop Down and Post Category fields. Checkboxes and Radio fields will store the text property in the database regardless of the value property
    • isSelected bool Determines if this choice should be selected by default when displayed. The value 1 will select the choice, 0 will display it unselected.

Post Fields

stringThe name of the Post Custom Field that the submitted value should be assigned to. Applies to: post_custom_field
displayAllCategoriesboolDetermines if all categories should be displayed on the Post Category drop down. 1 to display all categories, 0 otherwise. If this property is set to 1 (display all categories), the Post Category drop down will display the categories hierarchically. Applies to: post_category
displayCaptionboolControls the visibility of the caption metadata for Post Image fields. 1 will display the caption field, 0 will hide it. Applies to: post_image
displayDescriptionboolControls the visibility of the description metadata for Post Image fields. 1 will display the description field, 0 will hide it. Applies to: post_image
displayTitleboolControls the visibility of the title metadata for Post Image fields. 1 will display the title field, 0 will hide it. Applies to: post_image
inputTypestringContains a field type and allows a field type to be displayed as another field type. A good example is the Post Custom Field, that can be displayed as various different types of fields. Applies to: post_custom_field

Advanced Fields


numberFormat stringSpecifies the format allowed for the number field. Applies to: number
Possible values: decimal_dot, decimal_comma
decimal_dot: 9,999.99
decimal_comma: 9.999,99
rangeMinfloatMinimum allowed value for a number field. Values lower than the number specified by this property will cause the field to fail validation.
Applies to: number
rangeMaxfloatMaximum allowed value for a number field. Values higher than the number specified by this property will cause the field to fail validation. Applies to: number


calendarIconTypestringDetermines how the date field displays it’s calendar icon
Applies to: date
Possible values: calendar, custom, none
calendar: Displays the standard calendar icon shipped with Gravity Forms
custom: Allows administrators to specify a custom icon
none: Disables the calendar icon
calendarIconUrlfloatContains the URL to the custom calendar icon. Only applicable when calendarIconType is set to custom
Applies to: date
dateFormatstringDetermines how the date is displayed
Applies to: date
Possible values: mdy, dmy
mdy: 01/25/2010
dmy: 25/01/2010


phoneFormatstringDetermines the allowed format for phones. If the phone value does not conform with the specified format, the field will fail validation.
Applies to: phone
Possible values: standard, international
standard: Phone must be in the format: “(###)### – ####”
international: Phone can be in any format

Name and Address

nameFormatstringDetermines the format of the name field
Applies to: name
Possible values: normal, extended, simple
normal: Displays first and last name fields
extended: Displays prefix, first, last and suffix fields
simple: Displays one name field
addressTypestringDetermines the type of address to be displayed.  
Applies to: address
Possible values: international, us, canadian international: State input is displayed as a text field and the country drop down is displayed
defaultCountrystringContains the country that will be selected by default. Only applicable when addressType is set to international
Applies to: address
defaultProvincestringContains the province that will be selected by default. Only applicable when addressType is set to canadian
Applies to: address
defaultStatestringContains the state that will be selected by default. Only applicable when addressType is set to us
Applies to: address
hideAddress2boolControls the visibility of the address 2 field. A value of 1 will hide the address 2 field, 0 will display it.
Applies to: address
hideCountryboolControls the visibility of the country drop down. A value of 1 will hide the country drop down, 0 will display it. Only applicable when addressType is set to international
Applies to: address
hideStateboolControls the visibility of the state field. A value of 1 will hide the state field, 0 will display it.
Applies to: address
inputsarrayFor fields with multiple inputs (i.e. Name, Address), this property contains a list of inputs. This property also applies to the checkbox field as checkboxes are treated as multi-input fields (since each checkbox item is stored separately).
Applies to: name, address, checkbox. See Note 2.

Note 2

$inputs = $field->inputs;
$inputs[0]['label'] = 'First Name';
//sets the label for the first input
$field->inputs = $inputs
  • Each input has the following properties.
    • id float The input id. Input Ids follow the following naming convention: “FIELDID.INPUTID” (i.e. 5.1), where FIELDID is the id of the containing field and INPUTID specifies the input field. For example, inputs for the name field are numbered as follows:
      • FIELDID.2 Name Prefix input id (i.e. 4.2)
      • FIELDID.3 First Name input id (i.e. 4.3)
      • FIELDID.6 Last Name input id (i.e. 4.6)
      • FIELDID.8 Name Suffix input id (i.e. 4.8)
    • label string Input label
    • name string When the field is configured with allowsPrepopulate set to 1, this property contains the parameter name to be used to populate this field (equivalent to the inputName property of single-input fields)

File Upload

allowedExtensionsstringContains a comma delimited list of file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded. (i.e. jpg,gif,png)
Applies to: fileupload, post_image


captchaTypestringDetermines the type of CAPTCHA field to be used Possible values: recaptcha, simple_captcha, math
NOTE: simple_captcha and math CAPTCHA fields are only available when the “Really Simple CAPTCHA” plugin is installed
captchaThemestringDetermines the theme to be used for the reCAPTCHA field. Only applicable to the recaptcha captcha type.
Possible values: red, white, blackglass, clean
simpleCaptchaSizestringDetermines the CAPTCHA image size. Only applicable to simple_captcha and math captcha types.
Possible values: small, medium, large
simpleCaptchaFontColorstringDetermines the image’s font color, in HEX format (i.e. #CCCCCC). Only applicable to simple_captcha and math captcha types.
simpleCaptchaBackgroundColorstringDetermines the image’s background color, in HEX format (i.e. #CCCCCC). Only applicable to simple_captcha and math captcha types.


enablePasswordInputboolDetermines if a text field input tag should be created with a ‘password’ type
Applies to: text
maxLengthintegerSpecifies the maximum number of characters allowed in a text or paragraph field.
enableEnhancedUIboolWhen set to true, the Chosen jQuery script will be applied to this field, enabling search capabilities to Drop Down fields and a more user-friendly interface for Multi Select fields.
Applies to: select, multiselect

Pricing Fields

basePricefloatBase price for a single product field.
Applies to: singleproduct
disableQuantityboolSpecifies if the quantity field on single product fields should be displayed or hidden.
Applies to: singleproduct
productFieldintegerAvailable only on Option fields. Specifies which product field the current option field is linked to.
Applies to: option
enablePriceboolSpecifies if a price can be entered for each field choice. This option is automatically turned ON for pricing fields when using Drop Down, Radio Button or Checkbox input types.
Applies to: checkbox, select, radio

Add-On Fields

See the following pages for details about fields added by add-ons:

Field JSON

This example shows how a field object would look when formatted as JSON for use by the Gravity Forms CLI Add-On.

    "type": "select",
    "label": "My Dropdown",
    "choices": [{
        "text": "Choice 1",
        "value": "one"
    }, {
        "text": "Choice 2",
        "value": "two"
    "id": "2",
    "visibility": "visible",
    "formId": "14",
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "isRequired": false