Add-On Framework
This section of documentation lists the action hooks available to the Add-On Framework in Gravity Forms.
In this document section, you will find articles related to action hooks available for use with confirmations in Gravity Forms.
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks which may be used to impact the Form Editor page in Gravity Forms.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of action hooks available for use when events occur surrounding emails.
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that may be used to modify entry information or perform actions after an event has completed.
Entry Changes
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that are triggered after changes are made to entries in Gravity Forms.
Entry Details
In this section of documentation, you will find hooks related to Entry Details, such as controlling the layout of the entry details page.
Entry Lists
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks related to Entry Lists, such as gform_entries_first_column and gform_print_entry_content.
Entry Printing
In this documentation section, you will find action hooks that may be used on the print entry screen.
Field Framework
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks in Gravity Forms related to the Field Framework.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks that may be used on Fields, such as ones that fire before and after field deletion.
Gravity Forms Core
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to Gravity Forms Core operations, such as loading the form.
Gravity Forms Settings
A list of action hooks related to the Gravity Forms Settings page, such as the currency setting.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to the Form display itself, such as paging and viewing the form.
Form Actions
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks that fire with Form activity, such as forms trashed, restored, duplicated, or saved.
Form Settings
A list of action hooks related to the Form Settings page in Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to importing forms and exporting entries.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to sending, deactivating, deleting, and activating Notifications.
In this documentation section, you will find a listing of action hooks available in Gravity Forms for use with payment add-ons.
Post Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to Post Fields used in Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks used when interacting with scripts or styles in Gravity Forms.
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks used with the submission of a form in Gravity Forms.
System Status
In this section of documentation, you will find action hooks related to the system status page and form updates in Gravity Forms.
This hook fires after the entry has been updated via the entry detail page.
Use this action hook to perform actions right before a field is deleted from a form.
Use this action hook to perform actions right before a form is deleted.
The gform_currency_setting_message action hook is used to add a message after the currency drop down within the Settings page.
This action is triggered when entries are deleted, allowing further actions to be performed.
The “gform_delete_entry” action fires right before an entry is deleted and is used to perform actions when an entry is deleted.
This action hook can be used to inject Javascript into the form editor page.
Use this hook to define default field properties when creating new field types.
The gform_editor_sidebar_panel_content action hook is used to echo the content for a custom panel in the form editor sidebar.