


This filter allows developers to customize or modify the response data, including additional information, custom messages, or altered submission details.


The gform/ajax/post_page_change event allows developers to to execute custom JavaScript logic after a form submission is processed via AJAX.


This event is intended for use by add-ons that depend on core scripts. It fires once per form and provides the form ID as a parameter.


The gform/post_render event can be used to initialize scripts when a form loads. It is a direct replacement for gform_post_render.


This JavaScript event is triggered when any price changes.


The gform/submission/pre_submission filter should be used to perform custom actions between a form button (e.g. submit, next, previous) being clicked and the request being posted to the server.


The gform/theme/scripts_loaded event can be used to initialize scripts that depend on Gravity Forms front-end form scripts, including the JavaScript gform object.


GFSignature is the class which houses some of the functionality included by the Gravity Forms Signature Add-on.


GFStripe is the class which houses the main functionality of the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on, it extends the GFPaymentAddOn class which is part of the add-on framework.

Google Analytics Feed Meta

The Feed Meta Object for the Google Analytics Add-On is an associative array with properties determining how the add-on should process the form submission.