Triggered after an incomplete form submission is saved.
1 | add_action( 'gform_incomplete_submission_post_save' , 'my_function' , 10, 4 ); |
1. Basic usage
1 2 3 4 | function my_function( $submission , $resume_token , $form , $entry ) { //Do something here } add_action( 'gform_incomplete_submission_post_save' , 'my_function' , 10, 4 ); |
2. Trigger Mailchimp feed
This example shows how you can trigger the processing of a specific feed when an incomplete submission is saved.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | add_action( 'gform_incomplete_submission_post_save' , function ( $submission , $resume_token , $form , $entry ) { if ( function_exists( 'gf_mailchimp' ) ) { $feed = gf_mailchimp()->get_feed( '40' ); if ( ! empty ( $feed ) ) { gf_mailchimp()->process_feed( $feed , $entry , $form ); } } }, 10, 4 ); |
3. Save token to current user
This example shows how you can the resume token to the currently logged in users profile when an incomplete submission is saved.
1 2 3 4 5 | add_action( 'gform_incomplete_submission_post_save' , function ( $submission , $resume_token , $form , $entry ) { if ( is_user_logged_in () ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), '_gf_resume_token' , $resume_token ); } }, 10, 4 ); |
Source Code
This action hook is located in forms_model.php.