Adding a Form Using the Gravity Forms Block


The release of WordPress 5.0 ushered in the block editor, and Gravity Forms embraced a completely new editor environment to provide a Gravity Forms Block within the page/post editor. This article shows the steps required to add a form to your page using the Gravity Forms block.

How To Add The Gravity Forms Block

You can add a form to a page or post by using the block function that is a part of Gravity Forms core. This article assumes that you have already created a form. See Create A New Form for instructions.

  1. Open the page or post that you wish to add a form to.
  2. Click the plus sign to add a new block.
  3. In the Search for a block field, type gravity or form.
  4. Under Embeds, click on Form. This will insert the Gravity Forms block.
  5. Click the Select a Form drop down and choose your form. This will insert the selected form.
Adding a form with Gravity Forms block

Block Settings

Refer to this user guide for a complete list of the settings available for a Gravity Forms block once inserted.

Additional Notes

  • For a full list of other ways to add the Gravity Forms block, refer to this article.
  • You can add your forms from within the Form Editor using the Embed Form Flyout. See to this article for more info.
  • For information on embedding forms using the classic WordPress editor, see this article.