Address Fields
In this documentation section, you will find filter hooks that are available for use to impact the address field in Gravity Forms.
Credit Card Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to disable the use of the Credit Card field or ones to update Credit Card data.
Date Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to control the minimum and maximum years that may be set for a Date Field.
Email Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to modify the Email Field information in Gravity Forms.
File Upload Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find filters used to control File Uploads in Gravity Forms.
Multiselect Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of hooks available for use in Gravity Forms with the Multiselect Field.
Name Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use in Gravity Forms with the Name field.
Other Fields
Covers all the hooks not related to any of the specifically listed categories.
Password Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available for use with the Gravity Forms' Password field.
Product Fields
In this section of documentation, you will find a listing of filter hooks available in Gravity Forms available for use with Product fields.
This filter is executed when creating the address city field and can be used to modify the “City” label.
This filter is executed when creating the address country field and can be used to modify the “Country” label.
This filter can be used to change the way addresses are formatted.
This filter is executed when creating the address state field and can be used to modify the “State” label.
This filter is executed when creating the address street field and can be used to modify the “Street” label.
This filter is executed when creating the address street 2 field and can be used to modify the “Street 2” label.
This filter is executed when creating the address field (admin and front end). Use it to add support for a new address type.
This filter is executed when creating the address zip field and can be used to modify the “Zip” label.
This filter is executed when creating the credit card field and can be used to modify the “Expiration Date” label.
This filter is executed when creating the credit card field and can be used to modify the “Cardholder Name” label.