API Functions
Searching and Getting Entries with the GFAPI
The GFAPI::entry_exists(), GFAPI::get_entry(), GFAPI::get_entries(), GFAPI::get_entry_ids(), and GFAPI::count_entries() methods are used to search, count, get, and check if entries exist.
Deleting Entries with the GFAPI
The GFAPI::delete_entry() method is used to permanently delete an entry.
Managing Add-On Feeds with the GFAPI
The GFAPI includes methods which are used to manage form Feeds, the properties which determine if and how form submissions are processed by an add-on.
Sending Notifications with the GFAPI
The GFAPI::send_notifications() method is used to send notifications for a specific event and the given form and entry.
Getting Fields with the GFAPI
The GFAPI::get_fields_by_type() and GFAPI::get_field() methods are used to get form fields.
Validating Field Submissions with the GFAPI
The GFAPI::validate_field() method, added in Gravity Forms 2.7, is used to validate the input values of a specific field.
Managing Notes with the GFAPI
Documentation for the GFAPI methods for managing entry notes.
GFAPI Examples for Forms and Entries
While the Gravity Forms API is very powerful, it is actually extremely easy to use. In this article, we will get you started in using the Gravity Forms API to access and manage information within Gravity Forms.
Determines if a callback has been registered for the specified action. gf_has_action( array( 'action_name', $modifier1 ) );.
Description Determines if a callback has been registered for the specified filter. Usage [php]
gf_has_filters( array( 'filter_name', $modifier1 ) );