Updating Forms with the GFAPI


The GFAPI::update_form(), GFAPI::update_forms(), GFAPI::update_form_property(), and GFAPI::update_forms_property() methods are used to update forms and their properties.

Updating a single form

The GFAPI::update_form() method is used to update a single form.

Source Code

public static function update_form( $form, $form_id = null ) {}

This method is located in /includes/api.php.


$formarrayAn associative array containing the form settings, fields, notifications, confirmations, and other properties (e.g. add-on settings). See Form Object.
The form to be updated, overrides the $form['id'].


Boolean, true on success, or a WP_Error instance if an error occurs.

Usage Example

$result = GFAPI::update_form( $form );

Updating multiple forms

The GFAPI::update_forms() method is used to update multiple forms.

Source Code

public static function update_forms( $forms ) {}

This method is located in /includes/api.php.


$formsarray[]An array containing the forms to be updated.

Each form is an associative array containing the form settings, fields, notifications, confirmations, and other properties (e.g. add-on settings). See Form Object.


Boolean, true on success, or a WP_Error instance if an error occurs.

Usage Example

$result = GFAPI::update_forms( array( $form_1, $form_2 ) );

Updating a form property

The GFAPI::update_form_property() method is used to update a property of a single form.

Source Code

public static function update_form_property( $form_id, $property_key, $value ) {}

This method is located in /includes/api.php.


$form_idintegerThe ID of the form the property is to be updated for.
$property_keystringThe name of the column in the database to be updated.
Possible values: is_trash, is_active, or title.
$valuestring|booleanThe new value of the property.


The result of the query, mixed, or a WP_Error instance if an error occurs.

Usage Example

$result = GFAPI::update_form_property( $form_id, $property_key, $value );

Updating a property for multiple forms

The GFAPI::update_forms_property() method is used to update a property of multiple forms.

Source Code

public static function update_forms_property( $form_ids, $property_key, $value ) {}

This method is located in /includes/api.php.


$form_idsinteger[]An array of form IDs the property is to be updated for.
$property_keystringThe name of the column in the database to be updated.
Possible values: is_trash, is_active, or title.
$valuestring|booleanThe new value of the property.


The result of the query, mixed, or a WP_Error instance if an error occurs.

Usage Example

$result = GFAPI::update_forms_property( array( $form_1_id, $form_2_id ) ), $property_key, $value );