Tutorials and Snippets


Defining Minimum Add-On Requirements

As of Gravity Forms 2.2, add-ons can now easily define requirements that are needed before the add-on can be used. Defining requirements is as simple as overriding the minimum_requirements function in the GFAddOn class.

Create Post with Custom Taxonomy

In this snippet, we will show you how to create a WordPress post using a custom taxonomy.

Create a Customer in Stripe without Capturing Payment

Capturing a Stripe customer through your form is easy with Gravity Forms, even if you’re not charging them yet. You can create a customer in your Stripe.com dashboard, including their payment details, without actually charging the customer using this tutorial.

Changing Stripe Billing Information

This snippet will allow you to change a customer's billing information that has been stored within Stripe, using a form.

Centering an Entire Form

This CSS snippet shows how to center an entire form. The snippet may be placed in your style.css for your theme.

Capturing the HTTP Referrer URL on Form Submissions

This code snippet shows how to capture the HTTP Referrer URL on form submissions.

Cancel a Stripe Subscription After a Specified Number of Payments

The Stripe API doesn’t allow you to set the total number of recurrences of a payment or an end date when creating the subscription but it is possible to cancel the subscription via the gform_post_add_subscription_payment hook which runs after a payment is recorded.

Adding/Removing Countries From the Country Select Field

In some instances, you may need to add or remove a particular country to or from the country selection field in Gravity Forms.

Adding Meta Boxes to the Entry Detail Page Using the Add-On Framework

This tutorial shows how custom meta boxes can be added to the entry detail page using the gform_entry_detail_meta_boxes filter added in Gravity Forms 2.0.

Adding a Note to the Entry when Using the Add-On Framework

The Add-On Framework includes a couple of helpers which can be used to add notes to the entry.