Field Properties


Each field in the Settings API is configured with the following properties:

typestringThe setting field type. Possible values: text, textarea, hidden, checkbox, radio, select, select_custom, field_map, dynamic_field_map, field_select, checkbox_and_select, save or a custom type.
input_typestringThe value of the fields input type attribute (e.g. password). Applies to fields of type text.
namestringThe setting name. For feed based add-ons this will be used as key to the setting value in the feed meta array.
idstringThe value of the id attribute of the element containing this setting. If the id is not specified, then the value from the name property will be used instead.
labelstringThe setting label.
requiredbooleanDetermines whether the field is required to be filled out or not. Use true or false. The indicator for a required field will be displayed next to the label.
classstringThe value of the class attribute for the field input

Note: There are three useful Gravity Form’s classes named “small”, “medium”, and “large” which you may use to control the size of the field generated.

tooltipstringThe content to be included in the tooltip for this setting.
tooltip_classstringThe tooltip class; the value to be appended to the class attribute of the element containing this settings tooltip.
hiddenbooleanControls the display of the field. If set to true, the html is still created but the field is not visible. The style “display:none” is applied. This functions similarly to the field type of “hidden”. The main difference is that when using the field type of hidden, a hidden text box is generated (). With this property, you can hide any field type.
default_valuestringThe default value for the field. Does not apply to the checkbox field.

For fields of type radio or select, if a default_value is specified for the field and a matching value is found for a choice, the radio button/dropdown item will be selected. If the choice does not have a value specified but does have a label, the label will be used to find a match.

horizontalbooleanWhen set to true, the checkboxes or radio buttons will be displayed side-by-side instead of one per line. Applies to fields of type checkbox or radio only.
dependencystring|arraySee Dependency above.
choicesarrayAn array of choices. Required for radio, checkbox and select field types. See Choices below.
allow_htmlbooleanFor Textarea fields only, if set to true, HTML in the textarea won’t be all stripped, it uses wp_kses() with the post context instead of sanitize_text_field(), so any HTML allowed in a post, will be allowed in the textarea, if the property doesn’t exist or is set to false, all HTML tags will be stripped, and other things sanitize_text_field() does.
use_editorbooleanFor Textarea fields only, when set to true, it initialize as Rich Text Editor. HTML will be handled just like when allow_html is set to true.
feedback_callbackstring|arrayFor text fields only. The function containing the feedback logic e.g. array( $this, ‘is_valid_setting’ ).

The feedback callback function should return true or false and will determine which feedback indicator will be displayed in the UI. At present, the indicator is either a check icon for true or an x icon for false. This display is purely informative and does not prevent the settings from being saved. Check out the API key settings in the MailChimp Add-On for an example.

callbackarrayAllows you to specify a different function used to create the field html instead of the function associated with the field type. This is the same as if you implemented a custom field type. e.g. array( $this, ‘my_replacement_function_for_displaying_field’ )
validation_callbackstring|arrayThe function containing the custom validation logic e.g. array( $this, ‘is_valid_setting’ ).
after_inputstringThe content which is to be appended after the text field.
field_maparrayAn array of child fields, such as those used by a third-party service, which the user would map to their form fields. Used by the field_map and dynamic_field_map field types. Each child field is configured using the Field Properties.
