How many notifications can I have?
We don’t have any built-in limitation on the number of notifications you can have. By default, there should be an automatic Admin notification on each form created, and many people will create a User notification to send the data to the people that submit the form as well.
Through the use of conditional logic, you can set-up different notifications to run depending on what a user selects on the form.
Can I copy a notification to other forms?
Not currently, no. You can create the same notification on multiple forms, but you have to do this manually.
Can I have one notification for all forms?
Our notification system works on a per form basis. Currently, you cannot control all of the form notifications from one created notification. You will have to edit the notification on each form.
Why am I not receiving form notification e-mails?
There are many potential reasons you might not receive form notification e-mails. The best way to troubleshoot this issue is to go through the following troubleshooting steps: Troubleshooting Notifications
Can I schedule my notifications for later?
Scheduling a notification for later firing is not a core Gravity Forms function, but it is provided by some third party add-ons. See the Notification Scheduler from certified developer GravityWiz, or Delayed Email Notification by Ristretto Apps. Note that third party add-ons are not included, covered or supported by Gravity Forms.