Get a specific property of an array without needing to check if that property exists.
Provide a default value if you want to return a specific value if the property is not set.
rgar( $array, $prop );
rgar( $array, $prop, $default_value );
- $array array
Array from which the property’s value should be retrieved. - $prop string
Name of the property to be retrieved. - $default_value string
Value that should be returned if the property is not set or empty. Defaults to null. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
null|string|mixed The value
1. Key exists
This example will return the value for the key “dog” – Roddenberry.
$pets = array(
'dog' => 'Roddenberry',
'cat' => 'Tucker'
rgar( $pets, 'dog' );
2. Key does not exist
This example returns the value for the key “ferret”. Since this key does not exist and no default value was provided to the function, null is returned.
$pets = array(
'dog' => 'Roddenberry',
'cat' => 'Tucker'
rgar( $pets, 'ferret' );
3. Key does not exist but default value provided
This example returns the value for the key “ferret”. Since this key does not exist the default value passed to the function is returned – Malcolm.
$pets = array(
'dog' => 'Roddenberry',
'cat' => 'Tucker'
rgar( $pets, 'ferret', 'Malcolm' );
4. Used with IF statement
This examples checks the Form Object to see if the honey pot is enabled.
// Honey pot.
$honey_pot_checked = '';
if ( rgar( $form, 'enableHoneypot' ) ) {
$honey_pot_checked = 'checked="checked"';
5. Used with Ternary Shorthand
This example checks the Confirmation Object to see if its type is set, if so, the confirmation type is set to its value, otherwise the type is set to “message”.
$confirmation_type = rgar( $confirmation, 'type' ) ? rgar( $confirmation, 'type' ) : 'message';
Source Code
This function is located in gravityforms.php