

Access an input value from a POST request.


rgpost( $name, $do_stripslashes );


  • $name string

    The input name that you want to access in the POST request.

  • $do_stripslashes boolean

    Indicates if the stripslashes_deep() function should be applied to the retrieved value before it is returned. Defaults to true


1. Single Input Field Type

This example shows how you can access the value from a single input field.

$value = rgpost( 'input_1', true );

2. Multi-input Field Type

This example shows how you can access the value from a specific input in a multi-input type field. In this example we are accessing the value from input 3 of field 1.

$value = rgpost( 'input_1_3' );

Source Code

This function is located in gravityforms.php