Tutorials and Snippets
Create a Customer in Stripe without Capturing Payment
Capturing a Stripe customer through your form is easy with Gravity Forms, even if you’re not charging them yet. You can create a customer in your Stripe.com dashboard, including their payment details, without actually charging the customer using this tutorial.
Create Post with Custom Taxonomy
In this snippet, we will show you how to create a WordPress post using a custom taxonomy.
Defining Minimum Add-On Requirements
As of Gravity Forms 2.2, add-ons can now easily define requirements that are needed before the add-on can be used. Defining requirements is as simple as overriding the minimum_requirements function in the GFAddOn class.
Deleting Cached Entry Data
This snippet will allow you to delete the cached entry data when viewing an entry.
Disabling Mobile Keyboard Input on Datepicker Fields
This quick block of Javascript will allow you to disable keyboard input within Date fields. This snippet is helpful if you need to avoid the virtual keyboard from appearing within the datepicker.
Display a message on the login form when the user is pending activation
Use the WordPress authenticate filter to check if the user attempting to login is still pending activation so a custom message can be displayed
Enable Editing of the Entry Payment Details
The payment details panel on the entry detail page is usually only displayed when the entry was processed by a payment add-on.
Enable Use of the Total Field with Conditional Logic
The Total field can’t be used to configure conditional logic rules, but this snippet makes that possible.
Filter Category in Post Category Field
This code snippet allows post categories to be filtered so certain categories can be excluded from use.
Hiding the Form Title
This article about how to hide the form title in Gravity Forms outside of the shortcode, includes a CSS snippet on how to do it.