These helper functions may be used to remove, modify, and add fields when working with the Settings API
$this->add_field_before( $name, $fields, $settings );
add_field_before() Example
This example uses the same code as the add field after example, with the only change being calling the add_field_before function and specifying the field to place it before as transactionType. This results in the same placement on the page as the other example.
public function feed_settings_fields() { $default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields(); //--add PayPal Email Address field $fields = array( array( 'name' => 'paypalEmail', 'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'medium', 'required' => true, 'tooltip' => '<h6>' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '</h6>' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' ) ), array( 'name' => 'mode', 'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ), array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ), ), 'horizontal' => true, 'default_value' => 'production', 'tooltip' => '<h6>' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '</h6>' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' ) ), ); $default_settings = $this->add_field_before( 'transactionType', $fields, $default_settings ); return $default_settings; }
$this->add_field_after( $name, $fields, $settings );
add_field_after() Example
This example creates two new fields, PayPal Email Address and Mode, and places them right after the Feed Name field.
public function feed_settings_fields() { $default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields(); //--add PayPal Email Address field $fields = array( array( 'name' => 'paypalEmail', 'label' => __( 'PayPal Email Address ', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'medium', 'required' => true, 'tooltip' => '<h6>' . __( 'PayPal Email Address', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '</h6>' . __( 'Enter the PayPal email address where payment should be received.', 'gravityformspaypal' ) ), array( 'name' => 'mode', 'label' => __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array( array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_production', 'label' => __( 'Production', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'production' ), array( 'id' => 'gf_paypal_mode_test', 'label' => __( 'Test', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'test' ), ), 'horizontal' => true, 'default_value' => 'production', 'tooltip' => '<h6>' . __( 'Mode', 'gravityformspaypal' ) . '</h6>' . __( 'Select Production to receive live payments. Select Test for testing purposes when using the PayPal development sandbox.', 'gravityformspaypal' ) ), ); $default_settings = $this->add_field_after( 'feedName', $fields, $default_settings ); return $default_settings; }
The code above produces output similar to the following:
When extending the GFPaymentAddOn you may want to remove some of the default fields from your add-ons feed configuration page.
$this->remove_field( $name, $settings );
remove_field() Example
This example removes the Setup Fee field.
public function feed_settings_fields() { $default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields(); //hide default display of setup fee $default_settings = $this->remove_field( 'setupFee', $default_settings ); return $default_settings; }
Instead of removing a field, you may replace it with a modified version. When using replace_field, you do not need to worry about the placement on the page because the field will remain in the same location.
$this->replace_field( $name, $fields, $settings );
replace_field() Example 1 – Adding Donation to Transaction Type Drop Down
This example adds Donation as a choice in the Transaction Type drop down by replacing the transaction type field with an altered version of it. You could also achieve this by removing the field and adding a new version of it and placing it in the correct location on the page.
public function feed_settings_fields() { $default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields(); //--add donation to transaction type drop down $transaction_type = $this->get_field( 'transactionType', $default_settings ); $choices = $transaction_type['choices']; $add_donation = true; foreach ( $choices as $choice ) { //add donation option if it does not already exist if ( $choice['value'] == 'donation' ) { $add_donation = false; } } if ( $add_donation ) { //add donation transaction type $choices[] = array( 'label' => __( 'Donations', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'value' => 'donation' ); } $transaction_type['choices'] = $choices; default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'transactionType', $transaction_type, $default_settings ); return $default_settings; }
replace_field() Example 2 – Adding First and Last Name to Billing Information for Mapping
public function feed_settings_fields() { $default_settings = parent::feed_settings_fields(); //--get billing info section and add customer first/last name $billing_info = $this->get_field( 'billingInformation', $default_settings ); $billing_fields = $billing_info['field_map']; $add_first_name = true; $add_last_name = true; foreach ( $billing_fields as $mapping ) { //add first/last name if it does not already exist in billing fields if ( $mapping['name'] == 'firstName' ) { $add_first_name = false; } else if ( $mapping['name'] == 'lastName' ) { $add_last_name = false; } } if ( $add_last_name ) { //add last name array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'lastName', 'label' => __( 'Last Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) ); } if ( $add_first_name ) { array_unshift( $billing_info['field_map'], array( 'name' => 'firstName', 'label' => __( 'First Name', 'gravityformspaypal' ), 'required' => false ) ); } $default_settings = $this->replace_field( 'billingInformation', $billing_info, $default_settings ); return $default_settings; }
$this->get_field( $name, $settings );
get_field() Example
See the replace_field() examples above.
Renders and initializes a text input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_text( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Renders and initializes a textarea element based on the $field array.
protected function settings_textarea( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Renders and initializes a hidden input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_hidden( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Renders and initializes one or more radio type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_radio( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Determines if any of the choices for this field have an icon.
public function choices_have_icon( $choices = array() ) {}
- $choices arrayThe array containing the field choices.
Parses the properties of the $choice array and returns a new array containing a set of HTML attributes to be added to the HTML element.
protected function get_choice_attributes( $choice, $field_attributes, $default_choice_attributes = array() ) {}
Renders and initializes one or more checkbox type inputs based on the $field array.
protected function settings_checkbox( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Returns the markup for an individual checkbox item for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_item( $choice, $horizontal_class, $attributes, $value, $tooltip, $error_icon='' ) {}
- $choice arrayThe array containing the choice properties.
- $horizontal_class string
The CSS class to style the checkbox items horizontally.
- $attributes string
The attributes to be added to the input element.
- $value string
Indicates if the current choice is selected (1 if field has been checked. 0 or null otherwise).
- $tooltip string
The tooltip for this choice.
Returns the markup for an individual checkbox input and label for the given choice array.
protected function checkbox_input( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}
Define a custom checkbox_input_ function ending with a specific choice name to return a custom checkbox input and label markup for that choice.
public function checkbox_input_{$choice_name}( $choice, $attributes, $value, $tooltip ) {}
Renders and initializes a drop down field based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Prepares an HTML string of options for a drop down field.
public function get_select_options( $choices, $selected_value ) {}
Prepares an HTML string for a single drop down field option.
public function get_select_option( $choice, $selected_value ) {}
Renders and initializes a drop down field with a input field for custom input based on the $field array.
protected function settings_select_custom( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Returns the field markup.
public function settings_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Returns the thead element with the column headers.
public function field_map_table_header() {}
Returns the title to be displayed in the left column of the table, the column containing the labels of the child fields. Defaults to Field; override this function to return a custom title.
protected function field_map_title() {}
Returns the key for this field as used in the meta property of the Feed Object. e.g. contactStandardFields_first_name
public function get_mapped_field_name( $parent_field, $field_name ) {}
Returns the markup for the drop down containing the form fields and entry meta choices.
public function settings_field_map_select( $field, $form_id ) {}
Returns an array of form field and entry meta choices.
public static function get_field_map_choices( $form_id, $field_type = null, $exclude_field_types = null ) {}
Renders a drop down field containing the form fields as choices.
protected function settings_field_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Retrieve an array of choices containing the form fields.
public function get_form_fields_as_choices( $form, $args = array() ) {}
- $form Form ObjectThe current form.
- $args array
Additional settings to check for (field and input types to include, callback for applicable input type).
Renders and initializes a checkbox field that displays a select field when checked.
protected function settings_select( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Returns the field markup for the dynamic_field_map type field.
public function settings_dynamic_field_map( $field, $echo = true ) {}
Returns the markup for the save button.
public function settings_save( $field, $echo = true ) {}