Feed Object


The Feed Object ($feed) is an associative array containing all the properties which determine if and how the form submission is processed by an add-on. For example, the feed for a payment add-on determines the type of payment transaction which occurs and what values are sent to the payment gateway.

$feed = array(
    'id'         => 5,
    'form_id'    => 10,
    'is_active'  => true,
    'meta'       => array(),
    'addon_slug' => 'gravityformsslack',


We recommend accessing the $feed properties using the rgar() or rgars() functions e.g.

$meta = rgar( $feed, 'meta' );
$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic' );


idintegerThe feed ID.
form_idintegerThe form ID this feed was created for. An ID of 0 indicates the feed applies to ALL forms.
is_active booleanIs the feed active or inactive. Default is true.
feed_orderintegerThe order the feed will be displayed in the feeds list for the form. Also applies to submission time feed processing. Not all add-ons support feed ordering.
metaarrayFeed meta is an associative array. The available properties vary from add-on to add-on. Please see the Add-on Articles below for the individual properties
addon_slugstringThe slug belonging to the add-on used to create the feed, including the gravityforms prefix. See the Gravity Forms Add-On Slugs article for a list of possible slugs.
event_typestringFor future usage.

Add-On Articles