PayPal Payments Pro Feed Meta


The Feed Object meta for the PayPal Payments Pro add-on is an associative array containing the properties which determine what type of transaction should occur and what values are sent to PayPal.

$feed['meta'] = array(
	'feedName'                                => 'PayPal Payments Pro Feed 1',
	'transactionType'                         => 'product',
	'feed_condition_conditional_logic'        => true,
	'feed_condition_conditional_logic_object' => array(
		'conditionalLogic' => array(),


We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:

$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic' );


  • feedName string

    The feed name which appears on the add-ons feeds tab.

  • transactionType string

    The type of transaction which should occur when the feed is processed. Possible values: product or subscription.

  • billingInformation_lastName string

    The ID of the field containing the customer’s last name.

  • billingInformation_firstName string

    The ID of the field containing the customer’s first name.

  • billingInformation_email string

    The ID of the field containing the customer’s email.

  • billingInformation_address string

    The ID of the field containing the first line of the customer’s address.

  • billingInformation_address2 string

    The ID of the field containing the second line of the customer’s address.

  • billingInformation_city string

    The ID of the field containing the city of the customer’s address.

  • billingInformation_state string

    The ID of the field containing the state of the customer’s address.

  • billingInformation_zip string

    The ID of the field containing the zip of the customer’s address.

  • billingInformation_country string

    The ID of the field containing the country of the customer’s address.

  • apiSettingsEnabled boolean

    Override the default API settings? Default is false.

  • overrideMode string

    Which mode should this feed use when overriding the default API settings. Possible values: production or test.

  • overrideUsername string

    The PayPal Manager login username to use when overriding the default API settings.

  • overridePassword string

    The PayPal Manager password to use when overriding the default API settings.

  • overrideVendor string

    The PayPal Manager vendor to use when overriding the default API settings.

  • overridePartner string

    The PayPal Manager partner to use when overriding the default API settings. Default value: PayPal.

  • feed_condition_conditional_logic boolean

    Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.

  • feed_condition_conditional_logic_object array

    An associative array containing the conditional logic rules. See the Conditional Logic Object for more details.

Product Transaction Properties

The following properties are only applicable when the transactionType is set to product.

  • paymentAmount string

    What to use for the payment amount. Possible values: form_total or a product field ID.

Subscription Transaction Properties

The following properties are only applicable when the transactionType is set to subscription.

  • recurringAmount string

    What to use for the recurring amount. Possible values: form_total or a product field ID.

  • payPeriod string

    How often the recurring payment should occur. Possible values: WEEK, BIWK, SMMO, FRWK, MONT, QTER, SMYR, or YEAR.

  • recurringTimes integer

    How many times the recurring payment should be made. The default (0) is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled.

  • setupFee_enabled boolean

    Should a setup fee be charged? Default is false.

  • setupFee_product string

    The ID of the product field containing the amount the user should be charged for the setup fee.

  • change_post_status boolean

    If a post was created from the submission should the post status be changed when the subscription is cancelled? Default false.

  • update_post_action string

    Change the post status when a subscription is canceled? Possible values: draft or delete.