There are times when using the Add-On Framework you may want to add a note to the entry. There are two methods available, add_note() and add_feed_error().
Adds a note to the entry.
Any add-on which extends GFAddon, GFFeedAddOn, or GFPaymentAddOn can use add_note().
$this->add_note( $entry['id'], 'Mailing list subscription failed.', 'error' );
- $entry_id integer
The ID of the entry the note should be added to.
$note string
The note to be added to the entry.
Default is null. When a note type is specified it is appended to the class attribute of the div element which contains the note as gforms_note_{$note_type}. There are two built-in class names: gforms_note_error and gforms_note_success.
Adds an error type note to the entry and writes an error to the add-on log.
Any add-on which extends GFFeedAddOn or GFPaymentAddOn can use add_feed_error().
$this->add_feed_error( 'Mailing list subscription failed.', $feed, $entry, $form );
- $error_message string
The note to be added to the entry and logged to the add-on log when the Logging Add-On is enabled.
$feed Feed Object
The feed currently being processed.
$entry Entry Object
The entry currently being processed.
$form Form Object
The form currently being processed.
In this example, we are using a file named img_48x48.png which, is stored in the add-ons images directory.
public function note_avatar() {
return $this->get_base_url() . "/images/img_48x48.png";