edited for 2.5


How To Install Gravity Forms

Installing Gravity Forms is quite simple and is the same process as installing many other plugins. In this article, we will show you how to quickly install Gravity Forms using the plugin uploader inside your WordPress admin dashboard.

Post Title

The Post Title field allows users to submit data that is then used to populate the title for a post. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Tags

The Post Tags field allows users to submit data that is then used to populate the tags for a post. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Image

The Post Image field allows users to upload an image that is added to the Media Library and Gallery for the post that is created. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Excerpt

The Post Excerpt field allows users to submit data that is then used to populate the excerpt of a post. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Custom Field

The Post Custom field allows users to submit data that is then used to populate a custom field value for a post. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Category

The Post Category field allows the user to select a category for the post they are creating. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.

Post Body

The Post Body field allows users to submit data that is then used as the body content for a post. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission.


The Phone field allows users to enter a phone number and will automatically format the entered data based on the selected phone format.


The Password field provides two single line inputs (one to enter the password and the second to confirm it) that will mask entered content with blobs or asterisks. It is only available when the User Registration add-on is active.