Post Image

Note: This field cannot be used with the Advanced Post Creation Add-On. If utilizing that plugin for post creation, use a File Upload field instead.

Note: Using any of the Post Fields in a form to collect information without configuring the field will create Untitled draft posts after the form is submitted.


The Post Image field allows users to upload an image that is added to the Media Library and Gallery for the post that is created. It is available under the Post Fields section within the form editor. This field works in tandem with the other Post fields to allow you to create a form that can generate post data from a user submission. The Post Image allows users to upload the following filetypes: GIF, JPG, and PNG.

Unlike regular file uploads, files uploaded with this field type are not deleted from the WordPress Media Library when Gravity Forms entries are deleted.

GForms Post Image Field Icon

Post Image field as displayed in the Field Library

GForms Post Image Field

Post Image field as displayed in the Form Editor.

Common Settings

This field uses only common field settings for the Appearance and Advanced settings. For a description of each of the common field settings, refer to this article. Below you will find description of specialty settings that are particular to this field.

General Settings

GForms Post Image Field General Settings
Image MetadataSelect one or more image metadata fields to be displayed along with the image upload field. They enable users to enter additional information about the uploaded image.
Set as Featured ImageCheck this option to set the image uploaded as the Featured Image for the generated post.

Merge Tags

For more information on the use of merge tags, refer to these articles.


{Field Name:2:modifier}


By default, the tag outputs the URL of the image.

:titleDisplays the image title.
:captionDisplays the image caption.
:descriptionDisplays the image description.
:altDisplays the alternative text.