edited for 2.5
Form Settings
Explore the available form settings for Gravity Forms.
Personal Data Settings
Added in Gravity Forms version 2.4, the Personal Data tab of the Form Settings provides integration with the WordPress Export Personal Data and Erase Personal Data tools. Data for both entries and draft submissions (save & continue) are supported.
Gravity Forms 2.5 Key Features
This article includes a list of key features and noticeable changes with our major new release, Gravity Forms 2.5.
Gravity Forms 2.5 Release FAQ
This article covers common questions about the Gravity Forms 2.5 rollout.
Setting up a Square Compatible Form
Describes the steps for creating a form that will be compatible for payment processing using the Square Add-On.
Polls Add-On Settings Reference
Various additional settings are available within the Polls Add-On, giving you more flexibility to control your poll as you see fit.
Notification Settings
Within the Gravity Forms notification settings, there are various different options that can be configured. This article serves as a reference for the various settings available when configuring Gravity Forms notifications.
reCAPTCHA Add-On Settings Reference
This quick reference guide lists all the settings related to reCAPTCHA and provides a short description of their purpose.
The Product field allows the creation of products in the form. There are several options for the type of field that should be used for the Product field: Single Product, Drop Down, Radio Buttons and User Defined Price.
Viewing Poll Results
Polls won’t do you any good without being able to see the results. With the Gravity Forms Polls Add-On, your poll results are just as easy to see as any other entries.