AWeber Changelog

4.1.0 | 2025-02-19

  • Added support for the https_local_ssl_verify filter when calling the expected $request_url.
  • Updated the "Disconnect from AWeber" UI to use the component library and show the connected account name.
  • Fixed an issue where AWeber is not appropriately capitalized.
  • Fixed code placement to be consistent with the WordPress coding standards.
  • Deprecated the AWeber PHP SDK and its related methods that will be removed in 4.2.0.
  • AF: Updated process_feed() return value for compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.9.4, so the framework can save the feed status to the entry meta.

4.0.0 | 2023-08-17

  • Updated the add-on to connect using OAuth 2.0.
  • Updated to use the AWeber REST API instead of the AWeber PHP SDK, which will be removed in a future release.
  • Fixed an issue where connecting to AWeber fails.

3.0 | 2023-04-19

  • Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
  • Fixed an issue which causes deleted lists to throw a fatal error when editing a feed.

2.11 | 2020-09-21

  • Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Fixed an issue where the contact is not created if there are blank tags.

2.10 | 2020-03-11

  • Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
  • Fixed PHP 7.4 notices which occur when saving the settings for the first time.

2.9 | 2019-08-07

  • Added security enhancements.

2.8 | 2018-11-02

  • Added the filter gform_aweber_app_id enabling the app id used to authorize the add-on with AWeber to be overridden.
  • Added support for tags.

2.7 | 2018-04-02

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added License GPL to plugin header.
  • Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to https.

2.6 | 2017-10-26

  • Updated API library to support PHP 7.

2.5 | 2017-04-28

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added translations.

2.4.2 | 2016-11-30

  • Fixed strings for translations.

2.4.1 | 2016-09-02

2.4 | 2016-07-29

  • Updated to support feed duplication with Gravity Forms 1.9.15+.
  • Updated the choices for the Email Address field to only list email and hidden type form fields.
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields returned by the AWeber API which don't have labels.
  • Fixed fatal error which could occur during feed processing if the configured account ID for the feed becomes invalid.
  • Fixed fatal error which could occur if the configured account ID for the feed becomes invalid.

2.3 | 2015-08-07

  • Added form and field specific versions of the gform_aweber_field_value filter.
  • Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.3.
  • Updated feed processing to use GFAddOn::get_field_value(), if available, when retrieving mapped field values.
  • Updated 'Opt-In Condition' setting label to 'Conditional Logic'.
  • Fixed an issue with the feed list page if the AWeber auth code was not valid.
  • Fixed an issue with the upgrade routine which caused it run even if a pre-framework version hadn't been installed.

2.2 | 2015-04-20

  • Added hook to allow args to be changed before sending submission to AWeber. add_filter('gform_aweber_args_pre_subscribe', 'add_ip', 10, 4); function add_ip( $args, $form, $entry, $feed ){ $args['ip_address'] = $entry['ip']; return $args; }
  • Added support for the middle name input when preparing Name field values.
  • Updated how Address field values are prepared to also support Gravity Forms 1.9 method for getting country code.
  • Updated logging statements.
  • Fixed a low severity security vulnerability in the admin area which could be exploited by authenticated users with form administration permissions.
  • Fixed issues when upgrading causing feeds not to get created.

2.1 | 2014-11-21

  • Fixed error when creating new feeds.

2.0 | 2014-11-19

  • Added integration with Add-On Framework.
  • Added text domain/path to header.
  • Added the gform_aweber_field_value filter so the field value can be modified before sending to AWeber.
  • Updated required version of Gravity Forms to 1.8.17.
  • Updated POT file.
  • Updated to not process entries marked as spam.
  • Fixed an issue where non-string field values would cause the AWeber create subscriber process to fail.

1.4 | 2013-03-05

  • Added PayPal integration to subscribe user to AWeber only when payment is received.
  • Updated the AJAX Url to resolve conflicts with sites running over HTTPS.
  • Fixed issue where spaces after closing php tag caused problems with WP 3.5 release.

1.3 | 2012-06-27

  • Added logging support.
  • Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields
  • Fixed notices.
  • Fixed issue with API throwing errors on some PHP installations.

1.2 | 2012-03-12

  • Fixed issue with Full Name field not being sent to AWeber when mapped to custom fields.

1.1 | 2012-01-18

  • Updated PHP API and using it to subscribe users instead of relying on email
  • Added support for field mapping
  • Added hook to allow custom Ad Tracking text to be assigned to the subscriber add_filter("gform_aweber_ad_tracking", "aweber_ad_tracking", 10, 4); //site wide ad tracking OR add_filter("gform_aweber_ad_tracking_20", "aweber_ad_tracking", 10, 4); //form specific ad tracking function aweber_ad_tracking($ad_tracking, $entry, $form, $feed){ return "Custom Ad Tracking"; }
IMPORTANT: $_collectionMap property in api/aweber.php line 82 has been made public to resolve errors on some PHP installations. When updating API, make sure to re-apply change.