User Guides

  • Installation

    Installing Gravity Forms is a breeze. Here you’ll find everything you need to get Gravity Forms installed within seconds.

  • Creating a Form

    Gravity Forms has been built from the ground up to be as simple to use as it is powerful. Creating a form has never been easier!

  • Configuring Notifications

    Keep track of every form submission, notify your users that their submission was successful, and more.

  • Embedding a Form

    Forms are only useful when someone can use them. Embed your forms directly into your content with ease.

  • Reviewing Form Submissions

    Easily review every submission to your forms in an easy to use interface.

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The Username field provides a single line input and is only available when the User Registration add-on is active.

{current_page_number} Merge Tag

When using the Google Analytics Add-On, this merge tag returns the number of the page the user is currently viewing.

{source_page_number} Merge Tag

When using the Google Analytics Add-On, this merge tag returns the number of the page from which the user has navigated.

Where to Put Your Custom CSS

Use the WordPress Customizer WordPress includes a tool to enable you to tailor the presentation of your theme. Included in that, is a way to add custom CSS code.

Fighting Spam

Spam is a problem which impacts all publicly accessible forms eventually but there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of spam which is successfully submitted.

Role and Capability Management

Gravity Forms introduces new capabilities to the WordPress Role system. These capabilities are only manageable via a plugin that makes use of the WordPress Role Management system.

Example: Changing Your Form’s Background Color

Easily change your form’s background color, with or without code.

Example: Changing Font Sizes

Gravity Forms utilizes your current theme’s stying, but in some cases, you may need to change your font size that your theme defines. Here’s how to do it.

List of CSS Ready Classes

Introduction This article contains a reference list of the available CSS ready classes in Gravity Forms core. Each of the classes here are expanded upon in our detailed CSS Ready Classes article.

{quiz_score} Merge Tag

Displays the total score for the quiz or for a specific quiz question. The score is affected by weighted scoring.