User Guides

  • Installation

    Installing Gravity Forms is a breeze. Here you’ll find everything you need to get Gravity Forms installed within seconds.

  • Creating a Form

    Gravity Forms has been built from the ground up to be as simple to use as it is powerful. Creating a form has never been easier!

  • Configuring Notifications

    Keep track of every form submission, notify your users that their submission was successful, and more.

  • Embedding a Form

    Forms are only useful when someone can use them. Embed your forms directly into your content with ease.

  • Reviewing Form Submissions

    Easily review every submission to your forms in an easy to use interface.

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Post Image Merge Tags

Will display either the uploaded post image or metadata about the image.

Enabling Conditional Logic For A Field

The Enable Conditional Logic option allows you create rules to dynamically display or hide the field based on values from another field.

Enabling Conditional Logic for a Feed

Learn how to use conditional logic to specify when a certain feed should process based on the form data.

Enabling Conditional Logic for Notifications

Conditional logic can be used with Notifications to determine which notification is sent to the user based on the data they input into the form.

Common Field Settings

When editing a form, many of the fields you use will offer the same group of settings. This article helps explain the most common ones.

Enabling Conditional Logic for Confirmations

Sometimes you may want to send a user to a different page or display different information to them based on what they submit within the form.

{admin_email} Merge Tag

Displays the email address configured on the WordPress > Settings > General page.

Save and Continue Link CSS Selectors

The Save and Continue link allows a user to save their form data and resume entry at a later time.

Consent Field

The Consent field allows you to offer a “yes/no” consent checkbox and a detailed description of what is being consented to.

Repeater (beta)

A Repeater field is a collection of other Gravity Forms fields, combined together into a set that can then be used on a single form.