Allows customization of the options used to initialize the autocomplete for the address field.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_geolocation_autocomplete_options_pre_init', function ( options, formId, fieldId, address ) {
return options;
} );
- options object
The autocomplete options. The supported options can be found here. - formId number
The ID of the form the address field belongs to. - fieldId number
The ID of the address field autocomplete is to be initialized for. - address Element
The Address field element.
Form and field-specific country restriction
Limit the available choices to a specific country (Great Britain) in Form ID 1 and Field ID 2.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_geolocation_autocomplete_options_pre_init', function ( options, formId, fieldId, address ) {
if ( formId == 1 && fieldId == 2 ) {
options.componentRestrictions = { country: 'GB' };
return options;
} );
Country restriction by field address type
This example adds a data attribute to the field markup containing the country code related to the address type selected in the field settings.
Use gform_field_container filter to add the data attribute (PHP).
add_filter( 'gform_field_container', function ( $field_container, $field ) {
if ( ! $field instanceof GF_Field_Address|| empty( $field->ggeolocationEnableGeolocationSuggestions ) ) {
return $field_container;
$type = empty( $field->addressType ) ? $field->get_default_address_type( $field->formId ) : $field->addressType;
$type_config = rgar( $field->get_address_types( $field->formId ), $type );
if ( empty( $type_config ) ) {
return $field_container;
$hide_country = ! empty( $type_config['country'] ) || $field->hideCountry || $field->get_input_property( 6, 'isHidden' );
if ( ! $hide_country ) {
return $field_container;
$code = $field->get_country_code( rgar( $type_config, 'country', $field->defaultCountry ) );
if ( empty( $code ) ) {
return $field_container;
return str_replace( 'data-js', sprintf( "data-country-code='%s' data-js", esc_attr( $code ) ), $field_container );
}, 11, 2 );
Now you can access the attribute with gform_geolocation_autocomplete_options_pre_init (JS):
gform.addFilter( 'gform_geolocation_autocomplete_options_pre_init', function ( options, formId, fieldId, address ) {
if ( address.dataset?.countryCode ) {
options.componentRestrictions = { country: address.dataset.countryCode };
return options;
} );
Your code snippet can be placed in an HTML field on your form or in a theme custom JavaScript file.
See also the JavaScript/jQuery section in this article: Where Do I Put This Code?
Source Code
This filter is located in enableAutocomplete()
in google-places.js.
Geolocation 1.3.0