

This JavaScript hook can be used to perform custom actions when a field is displayed or hidden by conditional logic on the frontend.


gform.addAction('gform_post_conditional_logic_field_action', function (formId, action, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
    // do stuff


  • formId integer

    The ID of the current form.

  • action string

    The current conditional logic action. Possible values: show or hide.

  • targetId string

    The ID selector for the field container (li) in the format #field_{formId}_{fieldId} e.g. #field_10_2

  • defaultValues string|array

    The field default values.

  • isInit boolean

    True when the form is initially displayed, otherwise false.


1. Reset Coupon field

The following example shows how you can reset the coupon field when hidden by conditional logic.

gform.addAction('gform_post_conditional_logic_field_action', function (formId, action, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
    if (!isInit && action == 'hide') {
        var target = jQuery(targetId),
            coupon_items = target.find('tr.gf_coupon_item');

        if (coupon_items.length) {

2. Show/Hide the Save & Continue Link

This example shows how conditional logic can be used to show and hide the save and continue link at the same time as another field, in this case field 2 of form id 616.

gform.addAction('gform_post_conditional_logic_field_action', function (formId, action, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
    if (targetId == '#field_616_2') {
        if (action == 'show') {
        } else {


Your code snippet can be placed in a HTML field on your form or in a theme custom JavaScript file.

Source Code

This hook is located in js/conditional_logic.js