The gform_frontend_page_visible JavaScript action hook is used to perform custom actions when a page step is made visible by conditional logic on the front-end.
The filter which runs for all would be used like so:
gform.addAction( 'gform_frontend_page_visible', function( page, formId ) {
//do something
}, 10, 2 );
You can also target a specific form by adding the form id after the hook name.
gform.addAction( 'gform_frontend_page_visible_6', function( page, formId ) {
//do something
}, 10, 2 );
page JavaScript Object
The current page field object.
formId int
The ID of the current form.
Log the parameters
This example would log the contents of the three parameters to the browser console.
gform.addAction( 'gform_frontend_page_visible', function( page, formId ) {
console.log( arguments );
}, 10, 2 );
This code should be placed in a theme custom JS file or a custom JS functions plugin.
This filter was added in Gravity Forms v2.5.
Source Code
This filter is located in GFPageConditionalLogic.showPage() in page_conditional_logic.js.