

Enables the ability to disable or specifically enable error rate limiting when a Stripe feed is processed. Error rate limiting is enabled by default, blocking for an hour any IP reaching 5 errors.

Do not use this filter to disable error rate limiting in a production environment with the Stripe add-on set to “Live” mode on the Forms > Settings > Stripe page outside of a temporary basis for testing purposes. This filter should only be used while testing your forms.

Error rate limiting is implemented to prevent your forms using the Stripe add-on from being used to perform fraudulent card testing. If you disable error rate limiting in a production environment you leave yourself open to processing transactions to fraudulent persons testing stolen credit cards leading to more potential card disputes if one of the cards being tested is valid.


add_filter( 'gform_stripe_enable_rate_limits', 'your_function_name' );


  • $has_error bool

    Indicates whether error rate limiting is enabled. Defaults to false (error rate limiting enabled).

  • $form_id int

    The ID of the form being submitted.


The following would disable error rate limiting for all forms:

add_filter( 'gform_stripe_enable_rate_limits', '__return_false' );


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.


This filter was added in Stripe 3.4.

Source Code

This filter is located in class-gf-stripe.php.