Forms Setting applicable to Conversational Forms


The following article lists the settings associated with the operation and presentation of the Conversational Forms Add-On. Note that these are shown under the standard Form Settings area for whichever form you enable conversational mode. There are no add-on area global settings.

Enable Conversational Mode

Enable Conversational PageEnables conversational forms for the specific form. Once switched on, this will provide access to additional settings, as detailed in the rest of this article.
Conversational Page TitleSet the title for the page on which the conversational form will be rendered. Defaults to the form title.
Conversational Page URLA unique permalink that users can visit to view and fill out your form. It defaults to a slugged version of the form title and is not editable until settings are first saved. If the URL is already in use on the site, then -form will be appended.

Form Design Settings

These settings can be used to tailor the look and feel of your conversational mode form.

LayoutSet overall layout for dedicated form page.
Background ColorSet a background color.
Form Accent ColorUsed for various form elements, such as buttons and progress bars.
Input Accent ColorUsed for aspects of individual form inputs, such as checkmarks and dropdown choices.
Text ColorSet the text color for the form.
Enable LogoDisplay a logo.
LogoSet a logo image.
Logo LinkSet a link for the Logo to be directed to when it is clicked.
Enable Background ImageDisplay a background image.
Background ImageSet a background image.
Background Image BrightnessSet a link for the Logo to be directed to when clicked.

Welcome Screen Settings

To properly orient users to a conversational mode form, it can be good practice to use a “Welcome Screen”. This can avoid any disorientation that may happen when landing a user directly into the first question on your form. Use the welcome screen to introduce your form and provide any instructions or information needed to know before users proceed.

Conversational Form Welcome Screen Settings including settings for Enabling the Welcome Screen and the  text areas and images for the Welcome Screen.
Enable Welcome ScreenSecondary text is used as a message on the welcome screen.
HeadingDisplay a welcome screen before the user begins the conversation.
DescriptionText on the button used for beginning the conversation.
Start Button TextText used as image alt attribute for the welcome image.
ImageDisplay an image on the welcome screen.
Image Alternate TextText used as image alt attribute for welcome image.

Buttons Settings

Conversational Forms Button Settings for the Confirm Button Text.
Continue Button TextText to be displayed on button used for progressing to next field.

Customize the look and feel of your form navigation which appears below the form fields on all conversational mode pages.

Footer Background ColorSet a background color for the navigation bar.
Enable Progress BarDisplay a progress bar.
Progression TypeSet a background color for the progress bar. By default, this color is based on your accent color.
Bar Background ColorSet a foreground color for the progress bar. By default, this color is based on your accent color.
Bar Foreground ColorSet a foreground color for the progress bar. By default this color is based off your accent color.