Creating a Feed for the MailerLite Add-On


To send information from your Gravity Forms form to the MailerLite service, you will first need to create a feed. The feed will tell Gravity Forms which MailerLite group you want to use, how you want the fields to be mapped, and under what conditions you wish for the entry to be sent to the service. This article describes the steps to create a basic feed for the MailerLite Add-On.

This add-on is a beta release and is available for download via your Gravity Forms account downloads page. We encourage you to thoroughly test beta releases in controlled sandbox environments and do not recommend their use on production environments. Beta functionality and features may be subject to change or removal before final release.

Create a Feed

To create a feed using the MailerLite Add-On for Gravity Forms, do the following from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

  1. Click on Forms in the left side menu.
  2. Select the form that you want to use with MailerLite.
  3. Once within your desired form, hover over Form Settings and click on MailerLite.
  4. Click Add New to create a new feed. You will be presented with the MailerLite feed settings screen.

Feed Settings Reference

MailerLite Feed Settings

This table describes the feed settings options you will be offered for a ConvertKit feed.

SettingDescriptionImage Key
NameTo identify your feed when viewing the feed list page. Required1
MailerLite GroupYou can select a MailerLite Group that you would like to add the subscriber to in your account.2
Map FieldsMap each MailerLite field to the Gravity Forms form field that will send that information. Email and Name fields are required.3
KeyUse this section to map from fields with any custom fields set up in MailerLite. See details below ‘Mapping to Custom Fields’.4
Conditional LogicIf unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to MailerLite. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to MailerLite, check the “Enable Condition” box and fill out your required criteria.5

Mapping to Custom Fields

When creating a feed, the only MailerLite profile fields displayed are the email, first name, and last name, but you can map your form fields to other MailerLite fields. To map additional form fields to the MailerLite profile fields, click on the plus icon and select them from the dropdown in the Key column.

MailerLite also supports creating custom fields that can be mapped to the form fields. For details on how to create additional fields, please refer to this MailerLite article, How To Create And Use Custom Fields.

Mapping custom fields