

The gform/submission/pre_submission filter should be used to perform custom actions between a form button (e.g. submit, next, previous) being clicked and the request being posted to the server.


The gform/submission/pre_submission filter should be used with the gform.utils.addAsyncFilter method.

gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
	// Perform your custom action here.
	// Use `data.abort = true;` to abort the submission if needed.

	return data;

We recommend adding the filter via the gform/theme/scripts_loaded event to ensure the gform.utils.addAsyncFilter method is available at the time the filter is added.

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		// Do something.
		return data;

If you only want to add the filter for a specific form, you could use the gform/post_render event, which has access to the ID of the form being rendered, e.g.

document.addEventListener('gform/post_render', (event) => {
    if (event.detail.formId !== 2) {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		// Do something.
		return data;


  • data JavaScript Object
    The data object.
    • form HTMLFormElement
      The form element object.
    • submissionType string
      The type of submission that is being made. Possible values, with their equivalent gform.submission constants, are:
      • submit (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SUBMIT)
        Indicates the form is being submitted, so the entry will be saved if the submission is valid.
      • next (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_NEXT)
        Indicates the form is being submitted, so the next page will be displayed if the current page is valid.
      • previous (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_PREVIOUS)
        Indicates the form is being submitted, so the previous page will be re-displayed.
      • save-continue (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE)
        Indicates the user is saving their progress, so the save and continue confirmation with the resume link will be displayed.
      • send-link (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SEND_LINK)
        Indicates the user is submitting an email address via the save and continue confirmation, so the save and continue notification containing the resume link will be sent to the given email address.
    • submissionMethod string
      How the submission will be processed. Possible values, with their equivalent gform.submission constants, are:
      • postback (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_METHOD_POSTBACK)
        Indicates the form will use the default postback-based submission method.
      • iframe (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_METHOD_IFRAME)
        Indicates the form will use the iframe-based legacy Ajax submission method.
      • ajax (gform.submission.SUBMISSION_METHOD_AJAX)
        Indicates the form will use the experimental Ajax submission method introduced in 2.9.0, which uses a true Ajax request.
    • displayConfirmation boolean
      Indicates if the confirmation should be displayed following successful submission by the ajax submissionMethod. Since version 2.9.5. Defaults to true.
    • abort boolean
      Indicates if the submission should be aborted. Defaults to false.


Accessing the form ID

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		const formId = data.form.dataset.formid;
		// Do something with the formId.

		return data;

Accessing a field value

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		const email = gform.utils.getNode('.gfield--type-email input', data.form, true);
		console.log('email:', email.value);

		return data;

Aborting based on a field value

In this example, the submissions for form ID 1 will be aborted if the value of field ID 5 is not Yes.

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		if (data.submissionType !== gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SUBMIT || data.form.dataset.formid !== '1') {
			return data;

		const input = gform.utils.getNode(`#input_${data.form.dataset.formid}_5`, data.form, true);
		if (input?.value !== 'Yes') {
			data.abort = true;

		return data;

Triggering Meta Pixel

The following example shows how an analytics tracking script could be triggered on form submission. In this case, the Meta Pixel.

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		if (data.submissionType !== gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SUBMIT || typeof fbq === 'undefined') {
			return data;

		fbq('track', 'Lead');

		return data;

Triggering HubSpot tracking

The following example shows how the HubSpot tracking script can be triggered on form submission if the hubspotutk cookie does not exist. See HubSpot’s Tracking code API overview page for more details about their script.

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		if (data.submissionType !== gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SUBMIT || typeof window._hsq === 'undefined') {
			return data;

		if (!document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('hubspotutk'))) {

		return data;

Triggering CallRail form tracking

The following example shows how the CallRail form tracking script can be triggered on form submission. See the CallRail documentation for more details about configuring form tracking.

document.addEventListener('gform/theme/scripts_loaded', () => {
	gform.utils.addAsyncFilter('gform/submission/pre_submission', async (data) => {
		if (data.submissionType !== gform.submission.SUBMISSION_TYPE_SUBMIT || typeof CallTrk === 'undefined') {
			return data;

		return data;


Your code snippet can be placed in an HTML field on your form or in a theme custom JavaScript file.

See also the JavaScript/jQuery section in this article: Where Do I Put This Code?


This filter was added in Gravity Forms v2.9.0

Source Code

This filter is located in submitForm() in /assets/js/src/theme/submission/submission.js.