

The filter gform_activecampaign_override_empty_fields can be used to prevent empty form fields from erasing values already stored in Active Campaign when updating an existing subscriber.


Applies to all forms.

add_filter( 'gform_activecampaign_override_empty_fields', 'your_function_name' );

You can also specify this per form by adding the form id after the hook name.

add_filter( 'gform_activecampaign_override_empty_fields_14', 'your_function_name' );


  • $override bool
    Indicates if blank fields should override values already stored in Active Campaign. The default is true.
  • $form Form Object
    The form object.
  • $entry Entry Object
    The current entry.
  • $feed Feed Object
    The feed object.


1. Prevent overwriting data in Active Campaign across all forms

This example would prevent overwriting of data in Active Campaign when empty field values are processed.

add_filter( 'gform_activecampaign_override_empty_fields', '__return_false' );

2. Prevent overwriting data in Active Campaign for a specific feed

This example would prevent overwriting of data in Active Campaign when processing a specific feed.

add_filter( 'gform_activecampaign_override_empty_fields', function( $override, $form, $entry, $feed ) {
    if ( rgar( $feed, 'id' ) === 117 ) {
        return false;
    return $override;
}, 10, 4 );


This code can be used in the functions.php file of the active theme, a custom functions plugin, a custom add-on, or with a code snippets plugin.

See also the PHP section in this article: Where Do I Put This Code?


This filter was added in Gravity Forms ActiveCampaign v1.5.

Source Code

This filter is located in class-gf-activecampaign.php.