This JavaScript hook can be used to override the available conditional logic operators.
gform.addFilter('gform_conditional_logic_operators', function (operators, objectType, fieldId) {
// do stuff
return $operators;
- operators Javascript Object
The current operators. e.g.
{"is":"is","isnot":"isNot", ">":"greaterThan", "<":"lessThan", "contains":"contains", "starts_with":"startsWith", "ends_with":"endsWith"}
objectType string
The current conditional logic object type. Possible values: page, field, next_button, confirmation, notification, or feed_condition.
fieldId integer
The ID of the current field.
The following example shows how you can specify the available operators.
gform.addFilter('gform_conditional_logic_operators', function (operators, objectType, fieldId) {
operators = {'>': 'greaterThan'};
return operators;
Source Code
This hook is located in GetRuleOperators() in js/form_admin.js.