Setting Up the iContact Add-On



  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
  3. From this page, click the iContact tab.
  4. Enter your Application ID, Account Username, and API Password. These are obtained from iContact. See below for instructions on how to create an application ID.
  5. Click Update Settings. If you’ve entered your account information correctly, green check marks beside each box will notify you. If you do not see green check marks, please double-check this information and try again.
Image showing iContact Settings.

Creating an iContact Application ID

  1. Visit iContact’s application registration page.
  2. Set an application name and description for your application.
  3. Choose to show information for API 2.0.
  4. Copy the provided API-AppId into the Application ID setting field below.
  5. Click “Enable this AppId for your account”.
  6. Create a password for your application and click save.
  7. Enter your API password, along with your iContact account username, into the settings fields below.

Once you have entered your API information, you’re ready to begin creating a feed for the iContact Add-On.

Add-on Framework Hooks

Because the iContact Add-On is built using the Add-On Framework it also inherits any hooks available in the framework methods it uses such as: