User Guides

  • Installation

    Installing Gravity Forms is a breeze. Here you’ll find everything you need to get Gravity Forms installed within seconds.

  • Creating a Form

    Gravity Forms has been built from the ground up to be as simple to use as it is powerful. Creating a form has never been easier!

  • Configuring Notifications

    Keep track of every form submission, notify your users that their submission was successful, and more.

  • Embedding a Form

    Forms are only useful when someone can use them. Embed your forms directly into your content with ease.

  • Reviewing Form Submissions

    Easily review every submission to your forms in an easy to use interface.

All Categories


Multi Select

The Multi Select field allows users to select multiple options available in the multi select box.


The Date field allows you to present a field that captures date data using the jQuery UI date picker.

Create Content Template

Checking the Create Content Template option allows you to format and insert form fields as the content of the field.


The Checkboxes field allows you to present one or many checkboxes which allow multiple selections.


The CAPTCHA field allows you to add a captcha field to your form powered by the free reCAPTCHA service. This helps determine if the form is being submitted by a human or a scripted bot.

Bulk Print

The Bulk Print functionality allows you to print multiple entries at once.

Bulk Add / Predefined Choices

When using a field with Choices (Drop Down, Multi Select, Checkboxes, or Radio Buttons) clicking the Bulk Add / Predefined Choices in General Settings allows you to select a category and customize the predefined choices or paste your own list to bulk add choices.

Allow Field to be Populated Dynamically

Checking this option will enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks.


The Address field makes it quick and easy to capture address information on a form.

Reviewing Spam Submissions

The following features are available on the Entries List and Entry Detail pages when entries have been marked as spam by a compatible anti-spam plugin.