This action hook allows actions to be performed for a specific IPN transaction type. The “{transaction_type}” will be replaced with the current transaction type.
add_action( 'gform_paypal_ipn_{transaction_type_to_use}', 'your_function_name, 10, 10 );
- $entry Entry ObjectThe current entry.
- $feed Feed Object
The current feed.
- $status string
The status of the transaction. For example: completed, reversed, processed, pending, refunded, and others.
- $txn_type string
The transaction type. For example: cart, subscr_payment, subscr_cancel.
- $transaction_id int
The transaction id.
- $parent_txn_id int
The parent transaction id, in case of some transactions, such as a refund.
- $subscriber_id int
The subscriber id.
- $amount string
The payment amount.
- $pending_reason string
If the payment status is “Pending”, this will explain why.
- $reason string
The reason code.
add_action( 'gform_paypal_ipn_cart', 'create_note', 10, 10 ); function create_note( $entry, $feed, $status, $txn_type, $transaction_id, $parent_txn_id, $subscriber_id, $amount, $pending_reason, $reason ){ GFFormsModel::add_note( $entry['id'], 0, 'PayPal', 'This is a test.', '' ); }
This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.
This filter was added in Gravity Forms PayPal Standard version 1.9.2.
Source Code
This filter is located in GFPayPal::post_callback() in gravityformspaypal/class-gf-paypal.php.