Help Scout Changelog

2.4.0 | 2025-03-20

  • Fixed code placement to be consistent with the WordPress coding standards.
  • AF: Updated process_feed() return value for compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.9.4, so the framework can save the feed status to the entry meta.

2.3.0 | 2024-04-18

  • Fixed an issue where the feed isn't processed when using the Create Conversation button on the Entry Detail page.

2.2.0 | 2024-01-23

  • Added the gform_helpscout_display_enable_custom_app_setting filter.
  • Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
  • Fixed a PHP 8.2 deprecation notice that occurs when selecting "I want to use a custom Help Scout app" on the plugin settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Merge Tags button is not available on the feed settings page for text area fields.
  • Fixed an issue that causes a notice to display when creating a new feed on sites running PHP 8.1.
  • Fixed an issue where the Help Scout primary account email address is used as the reply-to email address even if the form submission data has a different email address.

2.1 | 2022-02-02

  • Fixed an issue where connecting to Help Scout fails after the user is redirected back from Help Scout.
  • Fixed an issue where conversation creation can fail if the customer first name is empty.

2.0 | 2021-05-06

  • Added a form settings menu icon for Gravity Forms 2.5

1.15 | 2020-09-28

  • Updated support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Fixed a PHP notice which occurs when after authenticating Help Scout account.

1.14 | 2020-07-14

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Updated the get conversation requests for the entries list and detail pages to cache the conversations for one hour to reduce the number of requests to the Help Scout API.
  • Updated the Assignee setting so the choices are arranged into Teams and Users optgroups.
  • Fixed a performance issue with the link in the Conversation ID column of the entries list page which caused a 500 error on some hosting environments.
  • Fixed the Destination Mailbox setting only listing the first 50 mailboxes.

1.13 | 2020-05-18

  • Added license key to GF authorization URL.
  • Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Added the "Click here to refresh access token" button to the add-on settings page so the request can be attempted again when it times out.
  • Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
  • Updated Gravity API domain.
  • Updated logging statements to clarify that the add-on is still connected to Help Scout when the token refresh times out.
  • Fixed an issue where HTML encoded characters could appear in conversation tags when displayed in Help Scout.
  • Fixed an issue where some existing customer details could be lost when the first and/or last name are updated.


  • Fixed an issue where HTML encoded characters could appear in conversation tags when displayed in Help Scout.


  • Updated Gravity API domain.


  • Added license key to GF authorization URL.
  • Fixed an issue where some existing customer details could be lost when the first and/or last name are updated.


  • Added the "Click here to refresh access token" button to the add-on settings page so the request can be attempted again when it times out.
  • Updated logging statements to clarify that the add-on is still connected to Help Scout when the token refresh times out.

1.12 | 2019-11-06

  • Updated authentication logging statements.
  • Updated Javascript files, stylesheets to use minified versions.
  • Fixed auth token refresh failing when the add-on is using a custom app.

1.11 | 2019-10-03

  • Fixed conversation creation failing when the last name is not provided for a new customer.

1.10 | 2019-10-02

  • Fixed conversation creation failing when a file attachment exceeds the maximum size allowed by the Help Scout API (10 MB).
  • Fixed conversation creation failing when the authenticated user does not have permission to access the mailbox where the customer already exists.
  • Fixed conversation creation failing when merge tags used in the tags setting are for fields without values.
  • Fixed conversation creation failing when the assigned user has been deleted from the Help Scout account.

1.9 | 2019-08-07

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Updated the minimum required Gravity Forms version to 2.1.
  • Fixed conversations with attachments not being created on servers where allow_url_fopen is disabled.

1.8 | 2019-07-24

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added the Help Scout Conversation Created notification event.
  • Added the {helpscout:[prop]}( merge tag for use in notifications sent after the conversation has been created. Supported properties are id, number, status, subject, and url.
  • Fixed a fatal error which can occur during feed processing if the get or create customer requests experience an issue.
  • Fixed the BCC email addresses not being added to the conversation.
  • Updated error logging statements.
  • Updated the feed settings so mapping the customer first name field is required.

1.7 | 2019-06-11

  • Fixed uploaded files not being attached to conversations.

1.6 | 2019-06-03

  • Added gform_helpscout_conversation filter to allow modifying the conversation before it is created in Help Scout.
  • Added support for updating first name and last name and adding new phone numbers when user with matching email is found in Help Scout.
  • Updated to use Help Scout's Mailbox API 2.0.
  • Fixed issue where authenticating with Help Scout via Gravity API was not working.
  • Fixed the conversation status changing from closed to active when adding a note.

1.5 | 2018-04-03

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added GPL to plugin header.
  • Added support for mapping customer phone number.
  • Added create conversation bulk action to entry list.
  • Added the gform_helpscout_process_note_shortcodes filter for enabling the processing of shortcodes placed in the note.
  • Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https.
  • Fixed conversations not creating when CC is enabled but value is empty.

1.4 | 2017-01-05

  • Added support for the Gravity Forms 2.0 entry detail page changes.
  • Updated strings for translations.
  • Updated API library to latest version.
  • Fixed an issue with the conversation BCC emails not being set correctly.
  • Fixed conversation not being created if first or last name was longer than forty characters.

1.3 | 2016-01-11

  • Added checkbox to add entry note form to post note to Help Scout conversation.
  • Added feed duplication support.
  • Added feed setting to create note for conversation.
  • Added panel to entry view page with Help Scout conversation details.
  • Added support for delaying feed processing until payment by PayPal Standard is successfully completed.
  • Enabled single feed submission.
  • Fixed an issue with the helpscout_conversation_id entry meta property so it's returned with the entry object.
  • Fixed an issue with the feed settings page and the conditional logic setting.
  • Fixed an issue where HTML entities would appear in conversation subject when using merge tags.
  • Fixed an issue where Help Scout would not include the conversation in the mailbox folder counts.
  • Fixed an issue where multi-file upload field attachments would not upload correctly.
  • Updated "Help Scout Conversation ID" entry list column to link to Help Scout conversation.
  • Updated feed processing to prevent multiple Help Scout conversations from being created.
  • Updated to store the created conversation id in the entry meta using the key 'helpscout_conversation_id'.
  • Updated the form field drop down for the Customer's Email Address to include hidden fields.

1.2 | 2015-06-29

  • Added support for auto replies when conversation is created
  • Added the gform_helpscout_process_body_shortcodes filter for enabling the processing of shortcodes placed in the message body.
  • Fixed an issue with conversations being tagged as 'Untagged'.
  • Updated several functions to use new Add-On Framework functionality.
  • Updated feed processing to abort if value of mapped Email Address field is invalid or empty.

1.1 | 2015-06-11

  • Added gf_helpscout() for easily getting an Help Scout instance.
  • Added additional logging statement to process_feed().
  • Added Spanish (es_ES) translation.
  • Fixed tags not being appropriately added to conversations.
  • Fixed PHP warning when no file attachments were provided.
  • Fixed Add-On not loading if Help Scout API class was already defined.

1.0 | 2015-05-27

  • It's all new!