Highrise Feed Meta


The Feed Object meta for the Highrise add-on is an associative array containing the properties which determine how the add-on should process the form submission.

$feed['meta'] = array(
	'feed_name'                               => 'Highrise Feed 1',
	'action'                                  => 'contact',
	'person_custom_fields'                    => array(),
	'feed_condition_conditional_logic'        => true,
	'feed_condition_conditional_logic_object' => array(
		'conditionalLogic' => array(),


We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:

$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic' );


  • feed_name string

    The feed name which appears on the add-ons feeds tab.

  • action string

    The feed action. Default is contact.

  • contact_standard_fields_first_name string

    The ID of the form field containing the contact’s first name.

  • contact_standard_fields_last_name string

    The ID of the form field containing the contact’s last name.

  • contact_standard_fields_title string

    The ID of the form field containing the contact’s title.

  • contact_standard_fields_company string

    The ID of the form field containing the contact’s company.

  • contact_custom_fields array

    A multidimensional array containing the Highrise custom fields. See Custom Field Properties.

  • contact_note string

    The note to add to the contact. Merge tags supported.

  • contact_visible_to string

    Who can see this contact. Possible values: Everyone, Owner or the Highrise Group ID.

  • feed_condition_conditional_logic boolean

    Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.

  • feed_condition_conditional_logic_object array

    An associative array containing the conditional logic rules. See the Conditional Logic Object for more details.

Custom Field Properties

    'key'   => 'title',
    'value' => '3',

Each custom field is an associative array containing the following properties:

  • key string

    The Highrise custom field key.

    The default keys are: background, linkedin, twitter, email_work, email_home, email_other, phone_work, phone_mobile, phone_fax, phone_pager, phone_home, phone_skype, phone_other, website_work, website_personal, website_other, address_work, address_home, address_other, im_aim, im_msn, im_icq, im_jabber, im_yahoo, im_skype, im_qq, im_sametime, im_gadu-gadu, im_gtalk, im_other.

    Other custom fields all begin custom_ and then end with the Highrise field ID, e.g. custom_1007122.

  • value string

    The ID of the form field or entry meta item containing the value for this custom field.