Setting Up the Conversational Forms Add-On


  • Download and install the add-on.
  • Gravity Forms 2.8.3 or later must be installed.


Note: There are no global add-on settings for Conversational Forms. All settings are managed from within the form’s Settings area on a per-form basis.

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. For a new form, hover over Forms on the left-hand navigation menu and choose New Form. Then, proceed normally through the template library (selecting a blank form is an ideal start for Conversational Forms).
  3. If you wish to convert an already existing form to use a conversational flow, select the form and proceed to step 4. Do make sure you consider the limitations and the known issues regarding some fields before converting an existing form.
  4. From the form editor screen, hover over Settings at the top, then choose Conversational Forms from the dropdown to configure your form.
  5. Toggle the “Enable Conversational Mode” switch to on. You will now be presented with a number of additional form settings to define the appearance of your conversational form. For a complete list of those settings, refer to this settings reference guide.
The Enable Conversational Mode toggle as displayed in Form Settings.