The Feed Meta object for the Zoho CRM Add-On is an associative array containing the properties which determine how the add-on should process the form submission.
$feed['meta'] = array(
'feedName' => 'Zoho CRM Feed 1',
'message' => '',
'feed_condition_conditional_logic' => true,
'feed_condition_conditional_logic_object' => array(
'conditionalLogic' => array(),
We recommend accessing the $feed meta using the rgar() or rgars() functions, e.g.:
$conditional_logic_enabled = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feedCondition' );
if ( $conditional_logic_enabled ) {
// Conditional logic is enabled for this feed.
$logic_rules = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feed_condition_conditional_logic_object/conditionalLogic/rules' );
foreach ( $logic_rules as $rule ) {
// Process each conditional logic rule.
$field_id = rgar( $rule, 'fieldId' );
$operator = rgar( $rule, 'operator' );
$value = rgar( $rule, 'value' );
// Example: Use $field_id, $operator, and $value in your logic.
- feedName string
The feed name which appears on the add-ons feeds tab.
action string
The action which will occur when this feed is processed. Possible values: contact or lead.
feed_condition_conditional_logic boolean
Is the feed condition (conditional logic) setting enabled. Default is false.
feed_condition_conditional_logic_object array
An associative array containing the conditional logic rules. See the Conditional Logic Object for more details.
Contact Properties
The following properties are only applicable when the action is set to contact.
- contactStandardFields_Email string
The ID of the form field containing the contact’s email.
contactStandardFields_First_Name string
The ID of the form field containing the contact’s first name.
contactStandardFields_Last_Name string
The ID of the form field containing the contact’s last name.
contactCustomFields array
A multidimensional array containing the contact custom fields. See Custom Field Properties.
contactOwner string
The Zoho CRM user ID to be assigned to this contact.
contactLeadSource string
The source from which the contact is created. Default values: Advertisement, Cold Call, Employee Referral, External Referral, OnlineStore, Partner, Public Relations, Sales Mail Alias, Seminar Partner, Seminar-Internal, Trade Show, Web Download, Web Research, and Chat.
contactDescription string
The contact description. Merge tags supported.
contactAttachments array
'10' => true,
'11' => false,
An array of file upload fields. The field ID is the key with a boolean value indicating if the files for that field should be attached.
- contactApprovalMode boolean
Is approval mode enabled? Default is false. - contactWorkflowMode boolean
Should workflow rules be triggered when this contact is added? Default is false. - contactEmailOptOut boolean
Remove contact from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Zoho CRM account. Default is false. - contactUpdate boolean
Update contact if existing? Default is false.
Lead Properties
The following properties are only applicable when the action is set to lead.
- leadStandardFields_Company string
The ID of the form field containing the lead’s company.
leadStandardFields_Email stringThe ID of the form field containing the lead’s email.
leadStandardFields_First_Name stringThe ID of the form field containing the lead’s first name.
leadStandardFields_Last_Name stringThe ID of the form field containing the lead’s last name.
leadCustomFields arrayA multidimensional array containing the lead custom fields. See Custom Field Properties.
leadOwner stringThe Zoho CRM user ID to be assigned to this lead.
leadRating stringThe lead rating. Default values: Acquired, Active, Market Failed, Project Cancelled, and ShutDown.
leadSource stringThe source from which the lead is generated. Default values: Advertisement, Cold Call, Employee Referral, External Referral, OnlineStore, Partner, Public Relations, Sales Mail Alias, Seminar Partner, Seminar-Internal, Trade Show, Web Download, Web Research, and Chat.
leadStatus stringThe lead status. Default values: Attempted to Contact, Contact in Future, Contacted, Junk Lead, Lost Lead, Not Contacted, and Pre Qualified.
leadDescription stringThe lead description. Merge tags supported.
leadAttachments array
'10' => true,
'11' => false,
An array of file upload fields. The field ID is the key with a boolean value indicating if the files for that field should be attached.
- leadApprovalMode boolean
Is approval mode enabled? Default is false. - leadWorkflowMode boolean
Should workflow rules be triggered when this contact is added? Default is false. - leadEmailOptOut boolean
Remove lead from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your Zoho CRM account. Default is false. - leadUpdate boolean
Update lead if existing? Default is false.
Task Properties
createTask booleanShould a task be created? Default is false.
taskSubject stringThe task subject. Merge tags supported.
taskDueDate integerThe number of days until the task is due.
taskOwner stringThe Zoho CRM user ID to be assigned to this contact.
taskStatus stringThe task status. Default values: Not Started, Deferred, In Progress, Completed, and Waiting on someone else.
Custom Field Properties
'10' => true,
'11' => false,
Each custom field is an associative array containing the following properties: