User Guides

  • Installation

    Installing Gravity Forms is a breeze. Here you’ll find everything you need to get Gravity Forms installed within seconds.

  • Creating a Form

    Gravity Forms has been built from the ground up to be as simple to use as it is powerful. Creating a form has never been easier!

  • Configuring Notifications

    Keep track of every form submission, notify your users that their submission was successful, and more.

  • Embedding a Form

    Forms are only useful when someone can use them. Embed your forms directly into your content with ease.

  • Reviewing Form Submissions

    Easily review every submission to your forms in an easy to use interface.

All Categories


File Upload

The File Upload field allows users to upload a file with their form submission. You can limit which filetypes a user may upload.

Page Break

The Page Break field allows the creation of multi-page forms. Adding a Page Break field will automatically enable the multi-page functionality for your form.

Section Break

The Section Break field allows you to add a content separator to your form to help organize groups of fields. This is a visual element rather than an actual data collecting form field.


The HTML field allows you to place a block of free form HTML anywhere in your form. This is useful for adding images or additional content.

Radio Buttons

The Radio Buttons field allows users to select one option from a list. Only one option from the available choices can be selected.


The Number field allows a user to enter a number. The field than automatically validates the form data to insure that a number was entered.

Paragraph Text

The Paragraph Text field allows a user to enter text in a textarea form field.

Allow Field to be Populated Dynamically

Checking this option will enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks.

Single Line Text

The Single Line Text field allows users to submit a single line of text. This basic field can be used for anything where no more than a single line of input is required.


The Email field allows you to present a field that captures email data.