

This filter can be used to override the destination folder configured on the Dropbox feed.


The following would apply to all forms:

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_folder_path', 'your_function_name', 10, 6 );

To target a specific form append the form id to the hook name. (format: gform_dropbox_folder_path_FORMID)

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_folder_path_10', 'your_function_name', 10, 6 );


  • $folder_path string

    The folder in the Dropbox account where the files will be stored, e.g. /

  • $form Form Object

    The form currently being processed.

  • $field_id string

    The ID of the field currently being processed.

  • $entry Entry Object

    The entry currently being processed.

  • $feed Feed Object

    The feed currently being processed.

  • $file_url string

    The URL of the file being processed.


1. Use an entry value in the destination path

This example shows how you can use a field value from the Entry Object when modifying the path.

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_folder_path_10', 'change_path', 10, 6 );
function change_path( $folder_path, $form, $field_id, $entry, $feed, $file_url ) {
return $folder_path . '/' . rgar( $entry, '5' );


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.

Source Code

gf_apply_filters( 'gform_dropbox_folder_path', $form['id'], $file['destination'], $form, $field_id, $entry, $feed, $file_url )

This filter is located in the following methods in class-gf-dropbox.php:

  • GFDropbox::upload_file()
  • GFDropbox::process_dropbox_fields()