

The gform_dropbox_should_upload_file filter can be used to determine if a file for a fileupload or dropbox type field is uploaded to Dropbox.


The following would apply to all forms:

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 'your_function_name', 10, 7 );

To target a specific form append the form id to the hook name. (format: gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_FORMID)

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_2', 'your_function_name', 10, 7 );

To target a specific field append both the form id and the field id to the hook name. (format: gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_FORMID_FIELDID)

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_2_3', 'your_function_name', 10, 7 );


  • $should_upload_file boolean
    Indicates if the file should be uploaded to Dropbox.
  • $url string
    The URL of the file from the entry.
  • $existing false|array
    False or an array of files previously uploaded to Dropbox for the current field and entry.
  • $field Field Object
    The current fileupload or dropbox field object
  • $form Form Object
    The form containing the current field.
  • $entry Entry Object
    The entry currently being processed.
  • $feed Feed Object
    The feed currently being processed.


1. Log the params

This is a basic usage example showing how you can log the parameters available to this filter.

add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7 );
add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_18', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7 );
add_filter( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_18_6', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7 );
function log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file( $should_upload_file, $url, $existing, $field, $form, $entry, $feed ) {
	gf_dropbox()->log_debug( current_filter() . ': ' . print_r( func_get_args(), true ) );

	return $should_upload_file;


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme, a custom functions plugin, or your custom add-on.


This filter was added in version 3.0.1.

Source Code

	public function should_upload_file( $url, $existing, $field, $form, $entry, $feed ) {
		if ( ! empty( $existing ) ) {
			$should_upload_file = ! in_array( $url, $existing );
		} else {
			// The preview link type uses
			$should_upload_file = $field instanceof GF_Field_Dropbox && $field->get_link_type( $form ) === 'preview' || stripos( $url, '' ) === false;

		$filter_args = array( 'gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', $form['id'], $field->id );

		if ( function_exists( 'gf_has_filters' ) && gf_has_filters( $filter_args ) ) {
			$this->log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Executing functions hooked to gform_dropbox_should_upload_file.' );

		 * Provides a way to prevent the uploading of a file to Dropbox.
		 * @since 3.1
		 * @param bool        $should_upload_file Indicates if the file should be uploaded to Dropbox.
		 * @param string      $url                The URL of the file from the entry.
		 * @param false|array $existing           False or an array of files previously uploaded to Dropbox for the current field and entry.
		 * @param GF_Field    $field              The current fileupload or dropbox field object.
		 * @param array       $form               The current form object.
		 * @param array       $entry              The current entry object.
		 * @param array       $feed               The current feed object.
		return (bool) gf_apply_filters( $filter_args, $should_upload_file, $url, $existing, $field, $form, $entry, $feed );

This filter is located in GFDropbox::should_upload_file() in class-gf-dropbox.php.