Gravity Forms Stripe Marketplace App FAQ


This article covers some of the most common questions regarding the Gravity Forms for Stripe app that can be found on the Stripe App Marketplace.

For an overview of app features and connecting the app to your site, check out the user guide here.

What is the Marketplace, and what is a Stripe App?

The Stripe App Marketplace is hosted by Stripe to offer their customers access to information from integrated or related apps, from right within their Stripe dashboard screens. These apps allow you to connect Stripe with your other services so that you can simplify workflows, and add context to give you a more holistic view of your business without the app switching often needed. The apps featured in the marketplace are developed by the individual service/solution providers, but are approved, hosted and supported by Stripe via interface and interaction patterns they have permitted.

View the Stripe App Marketplace here.

For more information on the marketplace, check out Stripe’s help documentation here.

What does the Gravity Forms Stripe Marketplace App do?

Gravity Forms for Stripe allows you to view all of the form data that was submitted alongside the payment detail in Stripe, giving you a full picture of all the information captured. From this interface, you can also add Notes to the Entry.

Where can I find the Gravity Forms Stripe Marketplace App?

Our Stripe app can be found here:

How do I install the Gravity Forms Stripe App?

Installing and uninstalling is covered in the Stripe App help documentation.

What do I do once installed?

For an overview of app features and connecting the app to your site, check out the user guide here.

I have installed the app but cannot get it to connect properly?

The app communicates via the Gravity Forms API, which means your server hosting environment must be capable of using the appropriate secure authentication headers and communication methods required by the REST API. See our troubleshooting article for more help diagnosing connection issues.