Setting up the Geolocation Add-On


Registering a Google Places API Key

If you don’t have a Google Places API key, you can create one here. This guide at Google will walk you through creating a project with the Google Places API in the Google Cloud Console.

NOTE: Please see this article for Google’s recommendations to secure your API key and avoid unexpected charges. When restricting your API key by HTTP referrer, follow Google’s instructions here.

Google HTTP referrer restrictions by domain

Configuring Geolocation Settings

Adding Your Keys

To validate the communication between your site and the Google Places API service, you will need to provide Gravity Forms with this unique key.

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
  3. From this page, click the Geolocation tab.
  4. Enter your Places API Key.
  5. Click Update Settings. If you’ve entered your API key correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside the box. If you do not see green check marks next to the API Key, please double-check this information and try again.

Additional Settings

The full guide to the Geolocation Add-on Settings Reference explains the additional configuration settings for the add-on.