Gravity Forms Settings Page


The Gravity Forms Settings panel within your WordPress admin area allows you to set various plugin-wide options. To find the settings panel, hover over “Forms” in your WordPress admin sidebar and choose “Settings.” If you do not have a Forms panel in the sidebar, you must install Gravity Forms first and ensure it has been activated via your WordPress admin Plugins settings.

General Settings

Support License KeyEnter your support license key in this field. Your support license key is used to access automatic updates.
Your License DetailsProvides details of the license to which the site has been connected.
Default CurrencySelect the Currency setting for all forms on this website.
LoggingThis will display the Forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar when enabled. The menu will list the ten most recently edited forms.
Default Form ThemeThis theme will be used by default everywhere forms are embedded on your site.
Toolbar MenuEnabling this will allow WordPress to install Gravity Forms updates automatically. It requires a valid license key. This setting is synchronized with the enable/disable auto-updates link in the Automatic Updates column on the Plugins > Installed Plugins page.
Automatic Background UpdatesEnabling this will allow WordPress to install Gravity Forms updates automatically. It requires a valid license key. This setting is synchronized with the enable/disable auto-updates link in the Automatic Updates column on the Plugins > Installed Plugins page.
No Conflict ModeEnabling this will allow WordPress to automatically install Gravity Forms updates. It requires a valid license key. This setting is synchronized with the enable/disable auto-updates link in the Automatic Updates column on the Plugins > Installed Plugins page.
Data CollectionEnabling this option allows Gravity Forms to run additional data collection in order to improve the plugin and customer experience.

The following settings have been deprecated or removed as of version 2.8.

Output Default CSSDeprecatedOutputs Gravity Forms default CSS. Disable this if you plan to create your own CSS. Note that this setting will be deprecated in the future in favor of Form Themes.
Output HTML5RemovedDisable this option if you would like to prevent the plugin from outputting HTML5 form fields.

reCAPTCHA v2 Settings

Note that reCAPTCHA v2 settings (and the new reCAPTCHA v3 functionality) are now available with the dedicated Gravity Forms reCAPTCHA Add-On. Refer to that documentation here.

The Gravity Forms Captcha field integrates with reCAPTCHA version 2, a free Google service that helps protect your forms from spambots. To use this service, you will need to set up your Classic v2 API keys and choose your type here.

reCAPTCHA Settings in Forms, Settings, reCAPTCHA in Gravity Forms


A matched pair containing a site key and a secret key is required to link the reCAPTCHA v2 service to your Gravity Forms site installation. You must sign up for a free Google account to get your keys. From there, you can generate one or more pairs of the type of reCAPTCHA Classic keys you wish to implement.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to use the correct domain value during the key setup at your reCAPTCHA account. The value can’t contain the protocol prefix, it’s recommended to use just the domain without www. or anything. If your site URL is we recommend you to use


If you use an invalid domain value during the setup, the reCAPTCHA field will display an Invalid domain for site key error.

Site Key and Secret Key

Enter your key pair here.


As of Gravity Forms v2.4.7, Gravity Forms’ Captcha field supports the reCAPTCHA Classic types of v2 Checkbox and v2 Invisible. reCAPTCHA Enterprise keys are not currently supported.

The checkbox keys will only allow you to add a v2 checkbox on your form, while v2 Invisible keys will allow you to choose either v2 reCAPTCHA type. Note that this is a site-wide setting, so you cannot change the reCAPTCHA type used from form to form on the same site.

TIP: Create a v2 Invisible CAPTCHA key. It can be used for both v2 Invisible CAPTCHA and v2 Checkbox CAPTCHA.

Choose the reCAPTCHA v2 type you want, from the choices of Checkbox or Invisible. If your keys are compatible will see the reCAPTCHA box and be asked to complete it to finalize your setup.

reCaptcha Settings with Checkbox Validation

If you enter a key pair for checkbox and try to select invisible reCAPTCHA, the Google service will return an error message within the reCAPTCHA frame.

reCAPTCHA with Invisible checked showing invalid message from Google when only Checkbox is configured.

An invisible key pair is valid for either type, working with v2 checkbox and v2 invisible.

REST API Settings

Image showing REST API Settings for Gravity Forms

The REST API settings page allows you to set up the Gravity Forms REST API, which can be used to integrate Gravity Forms with custom apps, remote services, and other WordPress sites. 
Refer to that documentation here.

Uninstall Settings

Image showing Uninstall Settings for Gravity Forms

The Uninstall settings page allows you to uninstall Gravity Forms and add-ons. Refer to that documentation here.