Zapier Changelog

4.4.0 | 2025-03-19

  • AF: Updated process_feed() return value for compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.9.4, so the framework can save the feed status to the entry meta.

4.3.0 | 2024-03-06

  • Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
  • Fixed an issue which causes entries from translated sites to fail.

4.2 | 2022-02-10

  • Added support for Zapier Transfer.
  • API: Updated the gform_zapier_request_body filter to be called within GF_Zapier::get_body so that it can be applied both when processing feeds and responding to API requests.

4.1 | 2021-05-04

  • Added support for displaying real entry data for the selected form when configuring a Zap.
  • Added support for using admin labels instead of front end labels for the entry data returned when configuring a Zap.
  • Fixed an issue where API instructions are not visible on the add-on settings page when using Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Fixed an issue where feeds get deleted and recreated when the Zap is deactivated and reactivated.
  • Updated the Use Admin Labels setting on the feed configuration page to be disabled. The setting is now configured on
  • Removed the add new button from the feeds list page.

4.0 | 2021-02-23

  • Added support for the Gravity Forms Integration App on Zapier v2.0.
  • Added an add-on setting to toggle the display of Zapier Feeds in the form settings. On sites with legacy feeds created for the Zapier v1.0 integration, this setting is enabled by default, displaying all the feeds. On sites with no legacy feeds, this setting is off by default so the feeds will not be displayed.
  • Fixed compatibility issues in PHP 8.
  • Updated the feed settings to restrict editing of feeds created in the Zapier v2.0 integration to Admin Labels and Conditional Logic.
  • Updated the add-on to use the Gravity Forms Add-On Framework.

3.3 | 2020-05-20

  • Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
  • Fixed an issue where the entry and payment dates were being formatted before being sent to Zapier.

3.2 | 2019-09-25

  • Added support for triggering Zapier feeds after a successful delayed payment (we originally did it only for PayPal). This fixed an issue where feeds are triggered before payments received when using Stripe Checkout.
  • Added gform_zapier_request_body filter to allow the request body sent to Zapier to be modified.
  • Fixed notice in gform_zapier_use_stored_body filter processing.
  • Fixed the shipping line item being included in the request body when the shipping field is hidden by conditional logic.
  • Fixed PHP 7.3 warnings when the feed is populating the request body for a form with multiple product fields.

3.1 | 2018-10-22

  • Added the gform_zapier_products filter.
  • Updated data sent to Zapier to include extra entry properties and the form ID.
  • Fixed missing product fields.

3.0 | 2018-05-07

  • Added line item support for list field and product fields.

2.1.7 | 2018-03-20

  • Fixed issue when trying to get random choices on an empty array.

2.1.6 | 2018-03-16

  • Fixed an issue where feeds could, in some situations, be processed following PayPal payment when not selected as delayed on the PayPal feed.

2.1.5 | 2018-01-31

  • Added GPL to plugin header.
  • Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https.

2.1.4 | 2017-10-02

  • Fixed feeds not running when the form is embedded in an admin page or a front-end page via an Ajax request.

2.1.3 | 2017-05-09

  • Added security enhacements.
  • Fixed code styles.

2.1.2 | 2017-04-26

  • Added support for the Gravity Forms 2.2+ System Status page.

2.1.1 | 2017-03-12

  • Added the gform_zapier_use_stored_body filter.

2.1 | 2017-01-05

  • Added support for the gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed filter.
  • Updated strings for translations.
  • Updated Zapier Feeds table to be responsive.
  • Fixed issue where Zapier did not appear alphabetical in the Settings list.

2.0 | 2016-08-31

  • Added the gform_zapier_sample_field_value filter for overriding the sample data sent when configuring the zap or updating the form.
  • Updated to format entry date.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Use Admin Labels' setting on new zaps appearing to reset when saving a valid zap.
  • Fixed PHP warning which could occur if the multiselect field only had one choice configured.

1.9 | 2016-07-01

  • Added support for sending the field admin label to Zapier, if available.
  • Added GFZapier::process_feed( $feed, $entry, $form ) for processing a single feed.
  • Updated to send the form title, entry id, entry date, user ip and source url.
  • Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.10.
  • Updated to send dummy values to Zapier when saving the feed/form instead of empty values.
  • Updated to skip display only fields when preparing the zap body array.
  • Updated to use the field title when preparing the zap body if the field doesn't have a label.
  • Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9.
  • Updated to support Gravity Forms 2.0 changes to the PayPal Standard integration.
  • Fixed an issue where field values in the body array would be overridden if another field used the same label.
  • Fixed PHP notices on the edit feed page related to the conditional logic field and value settings.
  • Fixed an issue with the feed conditional logic value drop down for choice based fields.
  • Fixed GF_Field array access/object notation notice with Gravity Forms 2.0.
  • Fixed an issue with the PayPal Standard integration.

1.8 | 2015-08-18

  • Added the gform_zapier_feed_conditional_logic filter enabling the feed conditional logic rule to be overridden during submission, allowing multiple rules to be defined.

1.7 | 2015-04-20

  • Added text domain/path to header.
  • Fixed an issue with multi-input fields and the dummy data sent to Zapier when first configuring a zap or updating the form.
  • Fixed a low severity security vulnerability in the admin area which could be exploited by authenticated users with form administration permissions.
  • Fixed an issue with conditional logic evaluation when processing feeds delayed by the PayPal Standard add-on.

1.6 | 2015-03-30

  • Added Spanish (es_ES) translation.
  • Added ability to delay sending to Zapier until a payment is received if PayPal Standard is also being used.
  • Updated POT file.
  • Updated to not send entries marked as spam to Zapier.
  • Fixed an issue with the zap body being prepared even if the form does not have a feed.
  • Fixed a warning for multi-row Likert fields when the zap body is being prepared.
  • Fixed a warning related to how Gravity Forms 1.9 handles inputs for fields such Email, Date and Time.
  • Fixed notice thrown when using extract in certain PHP versions.
  • Fixed the functions used by the mwp_premium_update_notification and mwp_premium_perform_update hooks so that the new_version element in the array returns Zapier's version instead of Gravity Forms.
  • Fixed strict notice thrown when viewing the list of Zaps for a form.

1.4 | 2014-02-03

  • Added POT file.
  • Added entry meta to field list.
  • Added the gform_zapier_field_value hook so the value can be modified before sending to Zapier.
  • Fixed issue where the anti-spam honeypot being active was causing data to not be passed to Zapier.
  • Fixed notices.

1.1 | 2013-08-14

  • Updated how multi-input fields (checkboxes, name, address) are handled so that users can map to the "parent" field (in addition to being able to map to the individual inputs).