Zoho CRM Changelog

2.2.0 | 2024-03-20

  • Removed the defunct legacy Zoho API class.

2.1.0 | 2023-12-21

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Fixed an issue which causes errors to display on the System Status - Updates page.
  • Fixed an issue which causes a notice to display on the Feed Settings page for sites running on PHP 8.1.
  • Updated the minimum Gravity Forms version to 2.5.
  • Updated the contact and lead custom fields settings on the feed configuration page to use the generic_map type field instead of the deprecated dynamic_field_map type field.
  • Updated to use Ajax to clear the cached custom fields.
  • Updated the way feeds are processed so that it is done asynchronously, reducing performance impact on form submissions.

2.0 | 2021-10-27

  • Fixed a fatal error that occurs after refreshing authentication tokens with the Zoho API.

1.13 | 2021-05-05

  • Added a menu icon for Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Fixed an issue where the reauthentication notice appears for users who have never authenticated before.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 8.
  • Fixed an issue where authentication may not complete after attempting a connection with Zoho.

1.12 | 2020-09-23

  • Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
  • Fixed an issue where the add-on would attempt to use deactivated module layouts.

1.11 | 2020-07-14

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Fixed an infinite loop which occurred when the record insert error returned by Zoho CRM is missing the api_name.


  • Added security enhancements.

1.9 | 2020-05-14

  • Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish.
  • Added support for the Australia (AU) data center.
  • Added license key to authorization url.
  • Added the gform_zohocrm_record filter to modify the record arguments before they are sent to Zoho CRM.
  • Fixed the width of the Feed Name setting on the feed configuration page.
  • Fixed an issue where PHP notices thrown after gform_zohocrm_record introduced.
  • Fixed an issue where PHP notices thrown when the contact or lead has no Email but doesn't allow duplicate in the settings.
  • Updated a few labels on the settings page related to connecting and disconnecting the add-on with Zoho CRM.

1.8 | 2019-08-08

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added gform_zohocrm_post_create_lead, gform_zohocrm_post_create_contact and gform_zohocrm_post_create_task, to allow custom actions to be performed after creating a lead, contact or task.
  • Updated Authenticate With options. After switching to OAuth Authentication, remove the other old options.
  • Updated the feed configuration page to support mapping checkbox (boolean) type Zoho fields.
  • Fixed an issue when a Zoho account used a non-English language, some module fields couldn't be updated with REST API.
  • Fixed an issue when Contacts, Leads or Tasks module is missing, REST API couldn't work at all.
  • Fixed an issue where Blueprints weren't triggered when adding Contacts/Leads in Workflow Mode with v2 API.
  • Fixed an issue where fields (especially Last Name and Email fields) missing from the feed settings for non-English Zoho accounts users.
  • Fixed an issue where values mapped to checkbox type Zoho fields would not be passed to the API.
  • Fixed the "Field cannot be found at Zoho CRM" issue with v2 API.

1.7 | 2019-04-25

  • Added support for multiple data center when authenticating with v2 API.

1.6 | 2019-04-15

  • Added supports for Zoho CRM v2 REST API.
  • Added supports for Approval Process if "Approval Mode" is checked in feed settings, when authenticated with REST API.
  • Fixed feed settings not saving when selecting a choice containing an ampersand.
  • Fixed the setting for delaying feed processing until after payment not being added to the PayPal Standard feed configuration page.
  • Fixed issue when using special characters to create contacts.

1.5 | 2018-03-30

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Added logging statements.
  • Added GPL to plugin header.
  • Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https.
  • Updated module field map to allow for custom fields to be used.
  • Updated strings for translations.
  • Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur on the feeds page if the Zoho account user does not have permission to access the contacts or leads modules.
  • Fixed the settings page not showing an error when the maximum number of allowed auth tokens has been exceeded.
  • Fixed an issue with the response code logging statement.
  • Fixed an issue with a few strings using the wrong text domain for translations.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented files being sent to Zoho.
  • Fixed owner not being set on the created contact/lead.
  • Fixed an issue retrieving the ID of the created contact from the API response which also caused contact task creation to fail.

1.4 | 2017-01-05

  • Updated contact, lead and task creation error reporting.
  • Fixed module fields not importing in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed strings for translations.

1.3 | 2016-08-31

  • Added hook to allow API URL to be changed.
  • Updated not to force standard fields to be required. The required state of the field on the feed will match the required state of the field in the Zoho account.
  • Fixed issue where checking for duplicate leads did not correctly update duplicate leads.
  • Fixed an issue where Zoho was unable to parse the XML data if the value contained special characters.
  • Fixed an issue with the request failed message if a WP_Error occurs.

1.2 | 2016-02-10

  • Added support for configuring a task description.
  • Added feed duplication support.
  • Added support for delaying feed processing until payment by PayPal Standard is successfully completed.
  • Added some additional logging.
  • Updated the task due date setting to support merge tags. The merge tag value must be numeric for the due date to be set.
  • Updated to display an error for the password field on the settings page if Zoho returns a WEB_LOGIN_REQUIRED error.
  • Fixed an issue with the request failed message if a WP_Error occurs.
  • Fixed an issue with the text domain for some of the translatable strings.
  • Fixed an issue with how multiple choices in multi select and checkbox type field values are separated when being sent to Zoho.
  • Fixed module field choices return "Array" as an option.
  • Fixed fatal error that occurs during 1.1.5 upgrade routine.
  • Fixed contacts and leads not being created when Zoho CRM account language is not set to English.
  • Fixed module field loading to support foreign languages.

1.1 | 2015-09-14

  • Added authentication option for third party services (Google Apps, Facebook, Yahoo).
  • Added options to allow for duplicate contacts and feeds.
  • Added option to manually clear custom fields cache.
  • Changed custom fields cache from 24 hours to 12 hours.
  • Fixed an issue where only some of the uploaded files were attached.
  • Updated available field types for mapping to the contact/lead email.

1.0 | 2015-07-30

  • It's all new!